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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Benevolent Charitable Organization (none / 0) (#3)
    by HenryGrattan17 on Tue Dec 16, 2008 at 09:54:50 AM EST
    Welcome to the new political sugar-daddy of the Democratic Party in Michigan - the Blues.  While they don't have the campaign cash that Striker throws around, they are not too far behind.  The Blues have been spreading their "good-will" at an alarming rate over the past two years.  A simple look at their PAC filings can clearly show that they favor Democratic candidates.  I wonder if they tell their employees where their PAC money is going?

    Between January 1, 2007 and October 20, 2008 (PAC filing deadline) the Blues' PAC has officially contributed $425,000 in Michigan Democratic candidates.  That's right, nearly a half a million dollars in a cycle when the Governor, AG, SOS, and entire State Senate were not even up!

    Some of their highlights include:
    $15K for Governor Granholm (what exactly is she running for?)
    $20K for Lt. Governor Cherry
    $10K for the State Democratic Party
    $40K for the House Democratic Fund PAC
    $25K for Speaker Dillon
    $10K for the Dem Senatorial Congressional Committee
    $27K for the Senate Dem Fund PAC
    $54K to the Blues federal PAC (I wonder where that got funneled to?)
    $4,300 for Rep. Simpson (running in Special for open 19th Senate seat)

    And what about upcoming battleground Senate seats you ask?  They are the floodgate against complete Democratic control and the results of 2010 will have massive consequences on Democratic attempts to dictate redistricting.

    2010 Blues Battlegrounds:
    Sen. Richardville v. Rep. Angerer ($7,900)
    Sen. Kahn v. Rep. Coulouris ($5,000)
    Sen. Patterson open seat v. Rep. Corriveau ($5,500)
    Sen. Stamas open seat v. Rep. Neumann ($5,000)

    With the Blues force feeding the Legislature and the public (millions spent on advertising) that they are in desperate need of "reform", why give to Democrats on this scale?  Unless, by "reform" they mean using government to create laws that provide a distinct competitive advantage for the Blues and will drive out healthy competition (aka free market) and will allow the Blues to predatorily increase premiums on Individual policy holders (and Seniors) all while abdicating their statutorily prescribed roll as a non-profit charitable benevolent organization.  Oh, you mean that "reform"...

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