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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Country Club Republicans (none / 0) (#15)
    by Ed Burley on Tue Nov 18, 2008 at 03:55:58 PM EST
    It's not that the GOP doesn't have, or want, a big tent: it's that, if we have people in the party who want the platform to be identical to the DNC's platform, then they need to join the DNC.

    Milliken is a part of the OLD Grand Old Party, pre-Goldwater. This was the party of Keynesian economics and corporate welfare. It's the party of regulation and high taxes. It was Goldwater that changed all that - that brought liberty-minded people into the GOP.

    Back in the pre-Kennedy days, the Democrats were the conservatives, for the most part. That's why folks like Reagan said things like "I didn't leave the Democrats, they left me." The OLD Democrats were largely pro-blue collar, states' rights, and small business kind of people. Unfortunately many of them were also racists and segregationalists. It was the liberal Republicans that helped pass Affirmative Action, Voting Right, and Civil Rights legislation.

    To me, this is the problem. Fundamentally, if you asked most conservatives or libertarians, they would categorically deny being in the pocket of the GOP. Why? Because the GOP does NOT always support those free market, liberty issues - sadly, neither do the Democrats.

    So, we who have priniciples (unlike Mr. Milliken) are forced to ask the question: who will do the least damage to our great country? Some, like myself, felt that would be Sen. McCain; while others thought Sen. Obama would. I, and others, questioned whether having a moderate like McCain in the White House might do more damage, ultimately, than having a potential socialist there. That same question was asked back when Dole and Clinton were the candidates. We all know the result.

    We must get past party - or we will keep getting the same result. Some here claim that we should get involved with the party - and that is true to some extent; but, why do we need to infiltrate only ONE party? Why can't we infiltrate the Democrats too? Why can't we become conservative Democrats, if the GOP won't have us? It's a legitimate question, one each of us has to answer for him/herself.

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