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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    You're kidding, right? (none / 0) (#14)
    by jgillmanjr on Sat Nov 15, 2008 at 01:15:42 PM EST
    Increasing the amount paid through unemployment is supposed to be some "anti-conservative"/RINO/pro-Democrat thing? I don't think so. Changing the amount we pay to the unemployed through UIA is a necessary thing from time to time. So blaming it (and the Republicans that passed it) is incredibly childish and shows a lack of understanding and appreciation for the same "basic economics" you claim to want more people to understand.
    Oh enlighten us, for we know nothing of these economics of which you speak oh master! Yeah, go UIA for cracking down on business trying to save money! W0000000!!!!! Retard.
    Let's also grow the f*** up and realize that THIS IS POLITICS. Yeah, Republicans are going to have to do some distasteful things. Not everything you disagree with makes them a "RINO". Trading favors and votes is what gets things done. I'm sick and tired of people who think they're "involved in politics" and think that things can just happen in a vacuum. The goal should be to ensure that we move towards a Republican view of government, and that's accomplished by the "Whips" and "Leaders" in the legislature, and the executive office.
    Grow the f up... classic. What's the point of having a republican in office if they're so busy selling out their ideals (if they ever had them in the first place - probably not) that they're continuing to piss on limited government principals and free markets.
    Finally, going back 6 or 10 years to blame people is not only incredibly lame. It's counter-productive. Engler and Johnson aren't in office, and as best I can tell aren't going to be seeking higher office. What f***ing good does it do to go back in time? Historical effect? Grow the f*** up.
    I hope the ghost of Santayana punches you in your sleep: "Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it" What good does it do to go back in time? It actually does a lot of good - you can assess the type of shit that got us into this mess so we can:
    1. Fix it, and;
    2. Make sure it doesn't happen again
    We are the ones that need to "Grow the f up"? You are the one that needs to stay awake in class.
    The reality is that the increase in unemployment is here. The reality, nationally, is that we have social security. There are plenty of realities - things that exist today and have problems today. So grow the F*** up and figure out how to deal with them today. Failing to hold CURRENT leadership accountable will keep the problem happening.
    You're lack of looking at the past is what allows current leadership to get in and continue to screw things up.
    But by all means, if you want to pretend to be a little "George Will" and play history teacher, go right ahead. But be a man and place the blame for failed economic policies where they belong.
    Yes, I will place the blame where it belongs - on tools like yourself and others who refuse to look at history and see the type of crap they're pushing to run for office. There's a reason I wrote this.


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