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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    My lack? (none / 0) (#16)
    by John Galt on Sat Nov 15, 2008 at 04:44:21 PM EST
    My lack of looking back?  Oh do tell, you know me so well.

    Blaming Engler for this mess?  Come on and grow the f**k up.  You're bigger than that.  History repeating itself?  Sure, let's understand where we came from.  But raising taxes on businesses is the result of failed economic policy of THIS administration.  Not raising weekly paycheck amounts to match a reasonable need.

    You can tilt windmills and try and hold some previous generation "responsible".  Especially when Engler was perhaps the biggest conservative this state has ever seen in elected office.  But you can poo-poo all you want.  

    I've had enough of your, and everyone else's bellyaching about RINOs and "trading away principles".  Grow the f**k up and learn how the game is played.  You can try and change the game, but you won't get very far.  

    I've said it a dozen times and I'll say it some more.  We all agree that we need a government.  So wanting that government to do certain things doesn't make me a Democrat.  Making sure the system actually functions until we can change it doesn't make me a RINO.  So take your "only i have the keys to conservatism" and shove them up your shiny tight ass.


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