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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Responding to ... well, everyone! (none / 0) (#18)
    by theclassiclib on Sat Nov 15, 2008 at 06:34:10 PM EST
    This destructive tax hike DOES, in fact, lay at the feet of "Jenny from the Block."  Saying this does not mean I'm giving the Republican politicians a pardon.  In fact, they are the one's I'm most angry with!  I expect more from them, than I do from some Democrat.  In my 22 years as a registered Republican, this election was the first election I did not vote for any of them.  I voted Libertarian instead.

    Now ... how long has Jenny, one of "the One's" economic advisors been running the show?  Because if the root of this dates back to 2002, 1998, or even 1812, Jenny's still in charge, and she's had more than ample time to solve it.  It IS her problem!

    There are countless ways to find the money without raising taxes, but I'll bore you with only one.  While I haven't looked at the numbers, something tells me that the money spent on Jenny's Hollywood Welfare Program may have helped.  (ok, two) Or, how much was spent on her ever-brilliant "Cool Cities?"

    Politics doesn't have to be a game of compromise.  That's only a false illusion.  I remember back to the Great Shutdown of 1995 and how thrilled I was!  It gave "we the people" a small open window to breathe, because politicians couldn't "legislate."

    Bipartisanship is bullsh!t.  You either believe in something, or you don't.  Bipartisanship is the path of the weasel, the yellow-bellied man, and the snakeoil salesman.

    Strong, principled partisanship, however, would bind the politicians ability to legislate, resulting in significantly lower budgets that wouldn't become the unbearable burden on the taxpayer that they all are today.

    Our country, founded on a creed and birthed in revolution, was not fought for so politicians could "make deals" and confiscate 40% of the citizens income.  

    Imagine what our forbears would think of the taxes we pay today?  Oh ... we're more "modern" than they ... Yeah, right ... Jefferson would just laugh, and then when he started talking, his insight and brilliance would make us all look like fools.

    Jenny from the Block deserves ALL the blame in this, but if Republican politicians wish to bury the passions of Thomas Jefferson, Russell Kirk, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and Ron Paul ... I say GOP, rest in peace.

    • amen by Ed Burley, 11/16/2008 11:38:26 PM EST (none / 0)

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