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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Got the cure-all . . . (none / 0) (#11)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sat Nov 15, 2008 at 09:04:13 AM EST
    . . . for this one.  It's simple.  We do everything that we must to get the Michigan FairTax Proposal on the 2010 ballot.  Then we bust our rumps to get it passed (the more convincing the margin, the better).

    Cut-and-dried that solves the tax problem.  All tax-hikes since and including the 2007 fiasco are rolled back and thrown out . . . permanently.  Every state-level tax except the sales tax is stricken from the books . . . permanently.  The entire state tax system is then placed behind a constitutional firewall that absolutely and unconditionally prohibits the introduction of any new tax, or the resurrection of any killed tax, without direct voter approval.

    This is such a sound concept that Joel Sheltrown, he who has charter membership in the RM Wall of Shame, is now a Fair Tax supporter and possibly an advocate for its introduction and passage.

    (Seriously, Nick, we really need to rework that wall to include a few RINOs . . . it's current form is killing my opportunity for an interview with Joel.)

    Yup, taxes in Michigan suck large.  And as long as the legislature is allowed to control the tax system in this state, that's not going to change (regardless of who the controlling party is).

    So what are you doing about it?  That's right, you . . . the one sitting on your duff and reading this . . . what are YOU doing about it?  What are you, personally, doing to make the Michigan FairTax Proposal a 2010 ballot issue in a way that ensures its passage?  What are you, personally, doing to hold your legislator's feet to the fires of hell and demand that he institute NO NEW TAXES!!!  (Read my lips, dammit.)

    Seriously, do something.

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