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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Jesus also (none / 0) (#82)
    by matoro1989 on Thu Nov 13, 2008 at 07:51:15 PM EST
    Jesus also made a whip (notice made - not an act of passion, but deliberate and pre-meditated [or ordained?]) and drove out those defiling the temple.

    The "eye for an eye" was actual Jewish law, but it was being used to justify personal vengeance.  "Turning the other cheek" does not mean submitting to persecution, but letting an offense go to shame  the offender (notice God's sense of humor and irony).  This passage is taken out of context by non-Christians to make Christians look weak and by Christians to justify apathy.  Jesus in Matthew 6 was speaking to combat legalism and misreading of the Law.

    This sounds legalistic (which I certainly am not), but by law we are allowed and recommended to forcibly subdue those who attack us.  Violently subduing those who would defile God's temple (which oddly enough is no longer the temple, nor its modern counterpart, a church building, but our bodies, the temple of the Holy Spirit) is what Jesus would do.


    • Point. by Nick, 11/14/2008 06:56:18 AM EST (none / 0)

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