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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    That's my point but you missed the real point (none / 0) (#5)
    by chetly on Sat Oct 11, 2008 at 12:58:19 PM EST
    My point was that this story is about lying, not about the Stem Cell committee hiring non-Michiganders.  It's unfair to criticize them solely for hiring non-Michiganders (just as it was unfair for liberals to criticize Dick DeVos for alleged outsourcing without any context and unfair to criticize Ward Connerly for donating money to Michigan) - that begs the issues.  It is fair to point out that Proposal 2's relationship to jobs is just as speculative as the opposition argument about its relationship to taxes.  It is fair to point that the committee lied, committed bona-fide fraud, etc..  My point is that you've done good research here on campaign finance stuff, but that the real meaning of the campaign reports is not that a few non-Michigan consultants got their pockets lined -- its that real, underlying fraud occurred.

    The headline of this story is not that liberals lied and you can prove it - a worthy thing to write about (although I dislike the lumping of liberals in, since this issue and most others involve some conservatives and some honest liberals as well). And your implicit conclusion that hiring out-of-state PR firms has anything to do with the policy question of whether stem cells create jobs or raise taxes is not true.  For example, if Right to Work hired out-of-state PR firms, but they claimed that Right to Work would increase Michigan jobs, I think we all would agree that Right to Work would still create Michigan jobs (of course, the left would argue an entirely different economic theory, but conservatives would agree) even though the ballot-drive hired outsiders (and I think most of us would cheer them on).  Indeed, just because the committee outsourced, it wouldn't even mean that Right to Work petitioners would have lied about it creating jobs if they represented that way - the ballot committee is quite separate from the issue.

    I ask for tight logic because we need to be tight in our logic.

    And our disagreement here is very tiny and trivial.  It's a nuance.

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

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