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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    not exactly (none / 0) (#4)
    by mike volpe on Fri Feb 01, 2008 at 01:58:37 PM EST
    what this shows is a blatant lack of consistency in the manner in which CMU approaches certain groups. This has a lot less to do with the policy and a lot more to do with the principles of the 14th amendment. Once again, the CMU administration proves that they disregard the principles of holding everyone equally under their own rules. While Dennis Lennox is held to account to this ban, the same admin looks the other way while Peters breaks the same rules.

    Furthermore, this latest incident is a gross violation of his duties as a teacher. The classroom is meant for learning not as a free campaign events. The students are there to learn not to be props for his run as a Congress man.

    This has nothing to do with whether or not the ban is legitimate. Even without the ban, Peters can't be allowed to bring news reporters into his class and turn it into an impromptu campaign stop.

    That is only one problem. Again, the biggest problem is the lack of consistency with which different individuals are treated. While Dennis Lennox is formally sanctioned for a technical violation of the rules against too aggressively exercising his free speech, where is the sanction against Peters? If Peters brought cameras into the classroom, then not only did he violate the ban against them but also all protocols of teaching. This violation warrants an immediate firing. If they fire Peters I will feel as though they treat everyone equally. If Peters gets away with this, while they continue to pursue Lennox, then clearly the principles of the fourteenth amendment have no meaning to anyone at CMU. I wrote a piece about this very subject...



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