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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    As my buddy says... (none / 0) (#10)
    by John Galt on Wed Sep 05, 2007 at 01:00:22 PM EST
    A friend of mine is running for Mayor in St. Clair Shores.  Last night, he held Council's feet to the fire.
    "The phrase 'this is how we've always done things' is no longer acceptable."
    The reason NoviDemon thinks it's a flaw, is because Government hasn't tried it yet.  I'm glad he shares our sentiments that Government (led by mostly Democrats in Michigan) is likely to screw up something private business has succeeded doing over-and-over again.

    But surely our Little Miss from McNamara's Band has SOME semblance of ability?  Maybe.

    But I'm not sure what NoviDemon's point is - is he saying we shouldn't pass the Senate Bill?  Not explicitly.  What I wonder, though, is why he's continuously defending "the status quo".  Why is he defending a system of non-compete healthcare agreements?  We heard all about how non-compete contracts to Halliburton were EVIL, certainly non-compete contracts to healthcare is "equally" evil?  Isn't it fashionable for Demoncrats to gang up on the Health Industry now?

    While NoviDemoncrat might be missing the faux trends of the Left-Ranks of his party, he likes making the point that Little Miss Jenny has done nothing wrong, and keeps defending the failed policies of the administration.

    In a move of his own game, I ask him to explain how he would cut 1.8 billion from the budget.  I know he'll defend, excuse, and talk about 'reality' and 'tax cuts' in the same paragraph... but the question is about cuts.  Add us up 1.8 billion in cuts, NoviDemoncrat.

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