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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Bush - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (none / 0) (#4)
    by Bridget on Sat Mar 17, 2007 at 10:45:58 AM EST

    Hello RM Readers,

    In response to Nick's article, I feel for an informed and compassionate person of the human race it's important to look at someone in such a critical role as that of President from many sides:

    their personal character,
    how they conduct themselves in private,
    their selected aids/officials and appointees,
    their public demeanor
    their administrative policies
    and so on.

    Too many citizens look at this President and say, he is no good because they don't "care for the way he does things" (i.e, the way he speaks, the way he smiles, the way he walks, his I.Q., his family affiliation, etc).

    Anonymous Hero feels Bush only polls in the 30's these days - I am guessing he takes that as a sure sign President Bush is a first class looser on all these things as far as the American people can tell via weekly polling results. I think that's a narrow way to view something as complicated as the President and the Presidency of the U.S.  Poll questions are often worded to get specific results these days so, take the question and results with a serious grain of salt.

    The GOOD...I'm confident if you ask people deeper and more meaningful questions, I think you will find many don't care for his policy as it differs from theirs,  but on a whole, they will agree he seems to be a good and decent man and seems to have the interests of all at heart. Time will forgive a man who has good intentions even if the final result was not perfect.   As Nick noted so accurately, outside of the Iraq issue...he has an amazing number of positives on his check list (things such as prescription medicines for seniors - started out rough, but working much better now, no child left behind doing well, a declining deficit, constantly growing stock market, reduced unemployment nation wide (less Michigan, pursued the war on terror with the seriousness it deserves, created new and stronger ties with a coalition of the willing and so much more). I say at least he has created some programs for consideration - not so much can be said for the other party.  It's always easy to be the critic and much harder to be the creator.

    Bush gets little credit for the positives as the drive by media and liberal voice is much louder, longer and shriller than the other side. There are certainly strong voices in the conservative corner on cable t.v., talk radio and in book form (Gingrich, Lay, Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Beck, Ingraham, Malkin, Steyn, etc.).  These people carry the torch alone for a party that has a weak beating heart, but it still palpitates now and then, so, there's hope!

    I concede that there are few Rebulicans leaders in The House or Senate these days who are top notch conservatives and can lead the party with strength and determination. That's a big problem that needs to be addressed and very, very soon. Bush would be doing better in the public eye if he had a party with some back bone that could share the message loud and clear. They haven't been able to do that.  One man and a few staffers can't carry the load alone. It's too heavy these days (as Nick pointed out examples of WTC bombing, Hurricane Katrina/Rita, wars on all fronts, mass illegal immigration, social security fund woes, etc).

    Granted, Bush and his staff could be doing a much, much better job taking advantage of war powers they could have, but have chosen not to and to be better communicators on important issues. They get poor marks in this area for sure. It's their job to lay out the problem, define the solution and implement the program, but they have been lax many times in one or more of these areas. In the end though, I give kiddos for those who try versus those who do nothing, but impede progress.

    The American people (less the coasts) seem to lean conservative in their morals, ethics and reasoning. They want strong leadership on most of the issues Bush has had to address.  They don't want to start over, they just want to win in all things and need some fine tuning done to get there.  

    The BAD...The problem with many liberals - Whoopi Goldberg and the hollywood elite are prime examples - is that they make their decisions on people, events and things based upon how an issue "makes them feel". Although that has validity and no ones feelings should be discounted, it does have serious limitations.  

    While I would look to someone and get their opinion and thoughts and allow them to express their feelings on an issue...I would not use that same person or group to elevate policy making to the next level on anything of major consequence(ie how to run a war effort, how to balance a budget, how to fund national security, the schools, the retirement and medical funds, how to deal with the border and immigration issues etc). I would only leave serious program evaluation and development to those who have a grasp on history,
    a clear view of the present and a vision for the future.

    The liberals don't have that ability at this time (Clinton II, Edwards (The Breck Girl), or Mr. O).

    The conservatives do but, need stronger direction to finish the job started (Rudy, Mitt, McCain, are you up to the challenge?? Hello...anybody?).

    The UGLY...Negative thinking and negative feelings - dominate in today's Democratic and liberal party (I know this full well as I was a card carrying and proud (yikes!) member of the Dems for about twenty years until I saw the light about 6-7 years ago.  Yes, I proudly entered the 12 Step Program To Leave The Democratic Party and have not looked back since.).  Frankly a part of me realizes the Dems and liberals are in more control these days because it's simply a lot easier to be dark, morose, negative and non-visionary on things than it is to be upbeat, positive, optimistic, creative and be a chance taker.

    It appears this trend of negativity and inability to understand things is just going to get worse as today's school kids (from middle school, high school, college and beyond) are learning less and less about the history of the United States and the world, reason and outcome of wars, military battles, policy making and current events. Without serious knowledge and background in these critical areas, the empty children of today will become the empty adults of tomorrow.  They will have little to no ability to analyze, reason and create real life policies for us and the world. We will be lost in a sea of "feelings".  

    Knowledge (not just a view point) is critical, how easy we forget that.

    I had a great boss tell me the following one day and I have never forgotten it...he said it to me  one day at work when I was at a low point in my career,  "Bridget, some managers and leaders do things right (most of us)....those who elevate themselves in history go beyond that...those managers and leaders know it's not how to do things right, but HOW TO DO THE RIGHT THING" (very few of us). I have never forgotten this - a powerful call to those handful of real leaders in a sea of 300 million strong.

    Bush is striving for the latter even though he has made mistakes along the way.  I give serious credit to those who persue the latter as it is a tough road, leaves one open to serious criticism and personal demonization, but it is the far more rewarding path over time if you have the courage and strength to stick it out.

    Book Suggestions that tie in with the article:

    For those interested in trying to wade through today's political scene...consider getting the book by Laura Ingraham - "Shut Up & Sing". It really is a bare books political bible that helps define who is a conserative, who is a liberal, what do each believe and why, what are each groups serious issues and what will each group be fighting to destroy or perserve for tomorrow. It really shows in a nutshell that American's don't truely love or hate Bush...we are really fighting and hating each other for all our differences.  Bush gets to be the punching bag for each group.

    For those interested in increasing their knowledge on why the war issue with Afghanistan and Iraq is NOT an isolated issue and will be critically important for decades to come, consider reading the books - Tony Blankley's "The West's Last Chance" and Mark Steyn's "America Alone".

    They discuss in great detail the population declines of Western Europe, the rise of Muslim population and radical sects world wide, mass immigration with unchecked policies, over-burdened welfare states (medical, retirement, education etc) and weak officials not willing to prevent these downward trends.  These books provide clarity to the reader on how we are all on a crash coarse for world destruction if we don't win this war on terror and radical Islam. Both books are eye opening reading for those who want to "understand the facts of this war", not just "feel things" about this war.

    As one cable station advertised recently, America has problems, America is not THE problem. People who understand history and understand world events, know Bush is part of our solution, not part of the problem.

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