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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Rep Yank (none / 0) (#1)
    by Mark Adams on Fri Mar 16, 2007 at 12:00:02 PM EST
    Good opinion column.
    Since 9-11 the mainstream media has wavered from the war on terror. One reason is because we have yet to get OBL. Not really our fault as Pakistan is not given us the green light to go in to their Northwest Territory to nail him. Pak. has pretty much washed their hands of that lawless territory of theirs but will protect their territorial integrity. Something the mainstream media can't (or won't) understand.
    <u>SO they have drilled in to the American publics mind that Bush doesn't really care.</u>
    They fail to understand (also) that the war in Iraq has long since been done. It's now just two factions fighting it out for control. AQ is there (I knew they would show up when we went in) and are the real ones killing our troops. The media won't acknowledge this as much as they will say that it's a civil war and that it's Bush's fault.
    And finally most Americans don't know that what they see in the mainstream media is bias, they take it as WHOLE fact.

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