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    Tag: state Senate (page 4)

    Did You Call Your State Senator?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Mar 05, 2013 at 08:30:22 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, The Hook, State Senate, Obamacare, Perpetuating Need, Destroying Self Reliance, Breaking Responsibility, Bowing To The King (all tags)

    A last note before something bad that could happen.

    If the Michigan State Senate passes the expansion of Medicaid today as the naive in the house did last Thursday, its going to be a toss them all out rout in 2014.

    We have attempted to repeatedly remind readers that without the power to give your money to others, there would be little if any corruption in Government. Power feeds itself at your expense.  Joan Fabiano at Grassroots maps only a little of what is going on when elected officials have the authority to direct your actions through financial pain or mandate. If you think that is where it ends, then go turn on Fox, and start the drool rolling out of the left lip. There isn't enough manpower to follow the dinners, the relatives, the jobs afterward, the bankrolling of personal interests, etc.

    And there isn't enough web space available to explain the infinite reasons why some folks cannot recognize the destructive influence of 'compassionate' government policy.

    "Build it, and they will come"
    And they will never leave.

    Until we are completely broken.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    Wednesday Divertere

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed Feb 13, 2013 at 11:04:20 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, State Senate, Tourism, Boating, Economy, Senator Proos, Taxes, Fuel Taxes, Donor State Taxes, Dredging, Say Please (all tags)

    Given the previous article, I thought you all might enjoy this one.

    Michigan State Senator Proos talks about dredging as it relates to water use tourism, and the dollars flowing in from it. Concerned about a boating traffic 'shutdown' he notes the economic costs of our great big bathtubs filling up with silt.

    At the end, as always, our daddies in Washington are pleaded to, for consideration in getting some of our allowance money to pay for getting our toys into the harbor.

    Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Richardville Ready For RTW

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Nov 16, 2012 at 08:35:35 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Right To Work, Freedom To Work, Randy Richardville, State Senate, End Of Labor Control, Workplace Choice, Free Will, Economic Recovery (all tags)

    Of course we will believe when we see it.

    However, this important legislation protecting workers choices would be the shot in the arm for a still ailing Michigan economy.  It would create a more competitive atmosphere not only with other states, but would allow the global competitiveness we have previously enjoyed to return.  Its about time we do this, yet have faced a number of obstacles that ought not have been there.  The election clarified the will of the people sufficiently enough to understand that they are tired of having Michigan run by a few elite labor bosses, and its time for a change.

    So when Jack Hoogendyk sends out this note:

    "With all this compelling data, and circumstances being as ideal as they have ever been, what is holding up the legislation that has already been written, from being introduced in the House and the Senate?

    The answer is apparently NOTHING. The Majority Leader of the Senate, Randy Richardville has previously gone on record opposing RTW in Michigan. But, last week, I received a communication from one of the members of the Republican Senate caucus. Here is what he told me: [Mr. Richardville] has supported RTW in the public sector and has pledged to whip the caucus on RTW in the private sector. Individually and as a caucus we strongly appreciate the openness of the SML (Senate Majority Leader) to member input.  

    It is time to thank the Majority Leader for his willingness to give his caucus the opportunity to consider a vote on this pending legislation. Please contact Randy Richardville here and thank him. And then, contact your State Senator and express your support for making Michigan a Freedom-to-Work state and putting Michigan back on the map as the place to build a business!


    Jack Hoogendyk"

    It offers a little hope.

    We'll take it where we can.

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    Did the Michigan Senate Leader Break The Law?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Feb 05, 2012 at 04:36:44 PM EST
    Tags: Secretary of state, Rules, Randy Richardville, Michigan, State Senate, Illegal Acts, Breaking the Law, Notary, Family, Glenda Kennon, Monroe Republican Party (all tags)

    Apparently he did.  And right now he may be occupying the office illegally.

    The secretary of state requires candidates to complete their POST-ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT before assuming office. the bullet points read:

    • This form must be filed by any candidate subject to Michigan's Campaign Finance Act who is elected to a state, county, city, township, village or school office. The form must be filed before the candidate assumes office. Exceptions: an elected candidate whose Candidate Committee did not receive or expend more than $1,000.00 during the election cycle is not required to submit this form. In addition, this form does not have to be filed by an individual elected to a U.S. Senate, U.S. House or precinct delegate position.

    • An elected candidate who is required to file a Post-Election Campaign Finance Compliance Statement must submit this form to the filing official designated to receive the elected candidate's campaign finance disclosure filings.

    • An elected candidate subject to the Post -Election Campaign Finance Compliance Statement filing requirement who fails to submit this form prior to assuming office is guilty of a misdemeanor.

    • If you need information on your current compliance status under the Michigan Campaign Finance Act, contact the Michigan Department of State's Bureau of Elections and/or the appropriate county clerks as necessary.

    Of course.

    One might presume that failure to do so would exclude a candidate from assuming their elected position.

    According the to BOE, Republican majority leader Randy Richardville filed This (image at right - click to view full sized) as his post election compliance. So naturally one might assume all is done, and properly.

    But we must go below the fold for the rest of the story.

    (35 comments, 661 words in story) Full Story

    FYI - Health Care Act Goings on.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 13, 2011 at 10:53:04 AM EST
    Tags: Jim Marleau, State Senate, Michigan, Health Care, Obamacare, Joe Hune, Insurance, Lansing, Health Policy (all tags)

    RE: Joint meeting of the Senate Health Policy and Insurance committees.

    At 3PM today, State Sen. Jim Marleau, chairman of the Senate Health Policy Committee, State Sen. Joe Hune, chairman of the Senate Insurance Committee, Members of those committees, Public Sector Consultants President Peter Pratt, and whatever voices for misc members of the public will be present at:

    Senate Hearing Room, Ground Floor
    Boji Tower
    124 W. Allegan Street
    Lansing, MI 48933

    The discussion?

    The Senate Health Policy and Insurance committees will hold their first hearing on the importance of Michigan establishing its own health insurance exchange in accordance with the Affordable Care Act.

    Importance of Michigan establishing its own health insurance exchange in "accordance to the [Unconstitutional] Affordable Health Care Act."

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Michigan Redistricting: Official Republican State Senate Map Released

    By Conservative First, Section News
    Posted on Sat Jun 18, 2011 at 01:37:51 PM EST
    Tags: redistricting, census, state senate, Republicans (all tags)

    Cross-posted at The Western Right.

    The Michigan Republicans have released their official proposal for the new state senate redistricting plan.

    Senate Redistricting Map Weakens Detroit, Wayne County

    (3 comments, 1588 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan Redistricting: Analysis of Democrats State Senate Plan

    By Conservative First, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 26, 2011 at 04:36:34 AM EST
    Tags: redistricting, census, state senate, Mark Brewer (all tags)

    The Michigan Democrat Party has released its proposed redistricting plan for the Michigan state senate. I previously released two possible maps and discussed the standards that such maps must follow.

    Michigan Redistricting: Two Possible State Senate Maps

    Here is the map.

    (6 comments, 1281 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan Redistricting: Two Possible State Senate Maps

    By Conservative First, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 06, 2011 at 09:08:22 PM EST
    Tags: redistricting, state senate, census (all tags)

    Cross-posted at The Western Right.

    With the release of Michigan's census numbers last month, redistricting season is well underway. I previously proposed two congressional district maps, and Republican Michigander has offered his 10-4 plan as well.

    Michigan Congressional Redistricting: Two Possible Maps
    Dan's 10-4 GOP Redistricting Map Part one (1-5) Part two (6-10) Part three (10-14)

    While congressional lines attract the most attention, state legislative lines will also be redrawn. This article proposes two possible maps for the Michigan state senate. The state senate is particularly key since it has been the bulwark against total democrat control in Michigan since 1983.

    Many of the rules for legislative district maps are the same as for congressional district maps. In particular, the Apol standards require that there be a small number of county and city/township breaks. These standards cannot legally bind future redistricting plans (LaRoux v. Secretary of State), but it is likely that any plan passed will at least come close to following them.

    One major difference between the congressional and legislative standards is that populations for legislative districts are not required to be exact. They must be within 5% of the ideal population. For the Michigan Senate, the ideal population is 9983640/38=260095. The lower and upper thresholds are thus 247091 and 273100.

    (1855 words in story) Full Story

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