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Tag: U of M (page 3)By Corinthian Scales, Section News
I happened to come across an interesting blurb in the JOA-Press about questionable practices at our newly elected Governor's alma mater.
The University of Michigan has barred about 2,000 people from its campus or parts of its campus since 2001, according to documents released this week by the university. Remember those last three words... (3 comments, 301 words in story) Full Story By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
Go Buckeyes and Sparty on... (3 comments) Comments >> By JGillman, Section News
Ann Arbor is hardly a bastion of right wing sympathy, and in fact has been referred to with many different flavors of name calling suggesting socialist, communist, and otherwise far leftist philosophy. The population as a whole is decidedly left of center on most issues. It should come as no surprise that discover the leadership of the resident university is quite comfortable with that characteristic.
But at what point does having an opinion that differs from that of a majority of Michiganders become an action that differs with a rule of LAW? The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative which was passed in November of 2006 and became law December 22nd, that same year. The MCRI made illegal, the preferential practices based on race often used with university admissions. At least the case that spawned the initiative Gratz V. Bollinger was a result of the mechanisms of those university preferences. (3 comments, 723 words in story) Full Story By Nick, Section News
I don't mean to brag but of the sixteen games played yesterday I only picked two of them incorrectly and was a last-second VCU jumper away from having each of my sweet-sixteen squads still in the running. I pinned the bracket on my own refrigerator like a proud parent after his kid brings home a straight-A report card.
That U of M Victory was exactly what this State needed. Maybe the best game of the day and we're all able to sing Hail to the Victors after it was over. Even on the banks of the Red Cedar. OK, maybe not there, but everywhere else. And while we're talking about things the state really needed (THAT, boys and girls, is what we call a smoooooth transition. No. Sorry. I can't teach you... you've either got it or you haven't), the Ivory Tower this morning published an op-ed by Attorney General Mike Cox calling on state government to publish online her full budget. That's a move that's about as common sense as running the Michigan offense through Manny Harris.
But why should transparency be limited to Detroit Public Schools and not the State of Michigan? How is it that a struggling school system is able to implement transparency while the governor cannot implement it at the state level? And how can DPS get this done in less than 12 months while Michigan has been unable to make any progress on this for years? Because, Mr. Attorney General, big-government liberals are always better served when they're able to operate in the dark. They don't call transparency bills "sunshine" legislation for no reason. I'm reminded of the classic Rankin Bass animated version of The Hobbit. Check out the 3 minute mark in this clip (because residents of the lower peninsula know everything is better with trolls):
For his part, Cox is walking the talk. The AG's office was the first in the state to publish its entire budget online, including all contract information. The House Republican caucus is following suit and every member but Representative Rocca (shame, and eternal shame on him, by the way!) has pledged to do the same. The House Democrats and the Governor should pledge to do the same with their office and the entire state budget. And then they should do it. As long as they obfuscate and avoid and keep voters in the dark its fair to ask... what are they hiding?
By Nick, Section News
Its all good news this morning. All good news all the time. I refuse to dwell on anything else because if I don't focus on the positive right now, I swear to high heaven, something valuable is going to get broken. (There are certain kinds of stress, I'll admit, I've never learned to handle appropriately.)
And so we focus on sunshine and rainbows. Like, for instance, this week the big-shot politicians in Lansing will start figuring out how to spend $625 million of our grandkids money to repair those potholes that put such a serious crimp in yesterday's trip to church. Yeah, yeah, spending our grandkids money might not make the most economic sense but c'mon, nobody likes pot holes! Plus, they're spending so much to make these road repairs, if push comes to shove they can actually fill each pot hole with stacks of twenty dollar bills. So that's a win-win. Good news... good news... Monica Conyers arch-enemy on the Detroit City Council is going to run for Mayor of Detroit this August. Good old Kwame Kenyatta. (Apparently rumors of the man's impending cancer-related death were greatly exaggerated by the Council President.) That's... something. But even better, according to the Detroit News, he's one of more than 50 (FIFTY) some odd candidates whose names might appear on the ballot. And by "might appear" I mean over 50 have already grabbed the paperwork to file. Not rumors, not speculation... 50+ are already starting the legal process. Guess how many are going to wind up filing as Republicans. Go ahead... guess. Talk about a crowded field. Somebody should work up some brackets and we could run those elections NCAA Tournament style, then instead of cutting down the nets, the ultimate winner could take the first shift re-roofing Cobo Hall with city cash since they refuse to take any money from the state. Oh, wait, they don't have any cash to stop the leaks... shoot.
And the Spartans? A well deserved 2. Casa De Leeuw will undoubtedly have competing brackets this year with some picking the Green and White to win the whole thing and others playing the homer-role and picking those guys from Ann Arbor to run the table. Silly Wolverine fans. That said, it should give me a clear path to the family pick-em championship and THAT, my friends, is good news. (1 comment) Comments >>
External FeedsMetro/State News RSS from The Detroit News+ Craig: Cushingberry tried twice to elude police, was given preferential treatment + Detroit police arrest man suspected of burning women with blowtorch + Fouts rips video as 'scurrilous,' defends Chicago trip with secretary + Wind, winter weather hammer state from Mackinac Bridge to southeast Mich. + Detroit Cass Tech QB Campbell expected to be released from custody Friday + New water rates range from -16% to +14%; see change by community + Detroit's bankruptcy gets controversial turn in new Honda ad + Royal Oak Twp., Highland Park in financial emergency, review panels find + Grosse Ile Twp. leads list of Michigan's 10 safest cities + Wayne Co. sex crimes backlog grows after funding feud idles Internet Crime Unit + Judge upholds 41-60 year sentence of man guilty in Detroit firefighter's death + Detroit man robbed, shot in alley on west side + Fire at Detroit motel forces evacuation of guests + Survivors recount Syrian war toll at Bloomfield Hills event + Blacks slain in Michigan at 3rd-highest rate in US Politics RSS from The Detroit News + Apologetic Agema admits errors but won't resign + Snyder: Reform 'dumb' rules to allow more immigrants to work in Detroit + GOP leaders shorten presidential nominating season + Dems: Another 12,600 Michiganians lose extended jobless benefits + Mike Huckabee's comments on birth control gift for Dems + Granholm to co-chair pro-Clinton PAC for president + Republican panel approves tougher penalties for unauthorized early primary states + Michigan seeks visas to lure immigrants to Detroit + Peters raises $1M-plus for third straight quarter in Senate bid + Bill would let lawyers opt out of Michigan state bar + Michigan lawmakers launch more bills against sex trade + Balanced budget amendment initiative gets a jumpstart + Feds subpoena Christie's campaign, GOP + Poll: At Obama's 5-year point, few see a turnaround + Obama to release 2015 budget March 4 Front Page
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