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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Ahhh... Finally, to address this (none / 0) (#5)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Jun 28, 2013 at 03:38:35 PM EST
    You certainly do have your small 'c' conservative Leftist meme of Projection down to an art form.  Let's start with your first response, then move onto your flame-out second.

    With your signed name on the Homophile agenda that makes you Harry Hay Marxist irrelevant with me, furthermore, your being a long-in-the-tooth first year shyster school campus lizard twit does not make what you have to state any more relevant.  Your analysis anal list opinion means diddly-squat to me.

    Now, to your flame-out.

    What do Hoekstra, Snyder, and Romney have anything to do with this?  Absolutely nothing.

    That was brought up because it has everything to do with you, and your loathing of Gary Glenn.  You ran with bullsh!t, and got called out on your bullsh!t.  I chose to frame exactly the events that your loser path drives the Republican Party.  Those three flip-flopping, pandering to Democrats natural born snakes are what keeps the wealth redistributing Progressive Utopia alive, and well fed with coercion of other peoples money.

    Don't just attack me because you have nothing else to say.  I don't think I've ever seen you actually say that you agree with me.

    Aw, poor li'l Nathan Bigthan, all alone at his pity party.  I'll tell ya what, when you stop acting like an oxygen wasting malfunctioning carbon unit, maybe you won't be called out on your bullsh!t.  And here is another thing your entitlement mentality Boomer spawn generation is going to struggle with your entire chronologically adult life's - you are not owed anything in life.  First, and foremost, you are not entitled to my agreeing with habitually misguided you.  I will not bend my principles, nor my values to accommodate your feelings of acceptance.  Your chickified drama is your problem - not mine.  If your needs are so lowly of that kind of approval seeking, look to two things... one, go give your parents a swift boot in the ass for being failures or, two... go find your other toadie Beta male Useful Idiot of the Useful Idiots sitting in his sodomy church pew stench stew, and you can comfort each others inner Phil Donahue psyches.

    I could say that the sky is blue, and you'd spout off something about me being some indoctrinated campuscrat idiot... lol.

    And there is the Lefty Projection ran as cover for shortcomings.  What can I expound upon there?  Not much.  At least you were taught to laugh at yourself for being willfully dumb.  Looks like your Downriver stomping-grounds to me.  Thank God I bailed from that decaying area in '09.

    Scaley, there comes a point where the trolling is a little much, and I think you passed that point about 20 years ago in your life.

    So says the only booger eater to have been banned other than Trotskyite Shopshire.

    Yannow Inkerbell, with you calling not just me (like I give a rats ass), but respected others here "trolls" upon your allowed return - it is you.  However, you are excellent web fodder, and more importantly, an outstanding source for a helluva lot of entertainment on a rainy afternoon.

    Congratulations on finding your special purpose in life.


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