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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Its already there (5.00 / 1) (#8)
    by JGillman on Sun May 20, 2012 at 09:35:18 AM EST

    Currently, we have an every thirty day fight to suppress the action creating a corridor authority that would be created under PA280 in our township.  There is one more attempt they can make and then they have to start the entire process over again.

    The local business owners are getting fed up with having to keep showing up, because they KNOW the board will create the authority in their absence.  It seems it is one of those progressive waiting games, and then BANG! 5 members will be appointed to a board that has undue authority over the development of 125 properties.  They also would short the township and county of tax revenue when the property values begin to rise. The properties as many around the state are at a point considered to be the lowest they might go, and ANY increases would be captured property taxes to the authority.

    Much of PA280 (2005) allows for eminent domain type of activity, but in 2006 the referendum banning it for EDC purposes rendered those parts moot. Yet control and color scheme could well be part of the planning whomever keeps pushing this would like.

    Yeah, we don't really know the WHY or WHOM, which is troubling in and of itself.  The victims in this game will be those who own private property, the rest of the township, the county and our liberties in general.

    Time for unaccountable boards, separated from the electorate, that capitalize on taxpayer resources, to end.


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