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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Yup. It's the spending. Tho, ... (none / 0) (#11)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Dec 11, 2012 at 01:14:15 PM EST
    ... am not impressed with you again citing the same Eurotrash wannabe Williamson, the snake oil dunce for TARP spending.  That makes the following from you rather humorous.

    Business cannot compete with government in the lending markets.

    No kidding.  And, Democrats doubled-down on that with Dodd - Frank.  It wasn't just the Dems?  That's true.  There were enough bought off usual suspect RINOs in the Senate with Brown (R-MA), Collins (R-ME), Grassley (R-IA), Snowe (R-ME), and House RINO vote (Cao, Castle, Jones) that weren't needed anyway.

    Yup.  The same Castle that this Party over Principal hermaphrodite settles for.

    Furthermore, lawyer-balling your percentages v GDP flapdoodle does not impress me either.

    EGTRRA = $1,853,100,000
    House - Senate

    JGTRRA = $1,880,100,000
    House - Senate, with RINO's Chafee (R-RI), McCain (R-AZ), Snowe (R-ME) voting Democrat.

    Ya, Chafee.  Difficult to believe this assh*le was once allowed to wear the Republican label.  I am no fan of troglodyte O'Reilly (too much of an ill-informed moderate blowhard), but he is accurate about the White House having a Christmas Tree, along with 53 others.

    And, the mother of all clusterf*cks, the Obama Tax Cuts with another Trillion in Spending.  In spite of Pelosi, Obama, and Reid, revenue still grew.

    TRUIRJCA = $2,303,500,000
    House - Senate

    It should be noted that Senator DeMint, gave this Moocher class spending the one finger salute, and more importantly *gasp - Ron Paul voted for it!

    I have highlighted this before only to have PaulTards drop their bongs, and their heads explode.  Fortunately for Conservatives, his Aqua Buddha son is wearing himself out on the <strike>propaganda arm of the Democratic Party</strike> Lefty cable news channel circuit flapping his gums about going scorched earth with giving Obama whatever he wants for advancing his cult following of valueless jokesmoke huffers, and Leahy aligned amnesty.  Hello?!?!  The 82%, 75%, and 70% are Undocumented Democrats, and they sure as Hell won't vote for a Liberaltarian invaded Team R, nor because of some establishment Marco Wonka amnesty candy tossed their way either.  Memo to the LP's .. your 1972 war against the draft, Nixon, and Vietnam, is over.  Go take your neo-liberal Democratic Party back from the New Left, and stop f*cking up the GOP.  It has enough problems with purging assh*les like Rove, the Bush dynasty (including Bush: now available in half brown), Fred Upton curlicue light bulb asshattery, Boehner & Cantor funding Romney/Obama/RobertsCare, two headed Newt's, Rockefeller Willard mandates, John McRINO's, Lindsey Grahamnesty's, and peon d!ckheads that are the core problem without adding to it the cheap hippie insanity.

    But, back to your false conclusion, Sway21... the fact of the matter is that with tax cuts, revenue did increase.  Even with the Marxist regime that is occupying the White House, today - revenue increased.  For that matter, lower tax has caused revenue to far surpass from the year Dubya took Office - $1,991,100,000 in '01, to today's est, $2,468,600,000.

    Hell, Sway21, if I continue with your provided Democratic Party Brookings Institution and Socialist Urban Institute datum, it projects that Low Taxes increase revenue 60% by 2017!

    It's the  s p e n d i n g  on Moochers & Looters, and growth of .gov employment that is the problem, period.

    Social Security, and Medicare?  A joke.  Trusts that congresscritters raided long ago with leaving IOU's in the vault.  I'm supposed to worry, or feel sorry about the Boomers now?  F*ck 'em.  It's their bed.  They had an entire working lifetime to face the music, but instead chose to raise an entire generation of precious snowflake useful idiot Millennials indebted with wipe your ass & gender study degree student loans.  60% of them went Obama v2.0 as opposed to 66% in '08.  Does that indicate anywhere that Rule of Law, or being fiscally, and personally responsible is a priority among Millenials?  Nope.  Enjoy that Democratic Party debt, and what really matters to Millenials - gay marriage.

    Boomers, and Millenials both voted for it!

    Bottom line, Sway21.  You are a misguided tax lovin' loon using DNC data who's easily led around by a bald, earring wearing swish Fabian wannabe now trying to cover up his promoted TARP crap at a keyboard from the NR undercroft.

    Bromide?  Puh-lease.  There is zero need for you to continue to sh!t upon the Laffer Curve.  It is tried and true.  It works so well with providing so much revenue to .gov that it has created the cradle-to-grave enabling monstrosity that exists today.  Laffer even gave breathing room for 'reach across the aisle' GOP Pale Pastel in the RINO Club who despised Reagan's Conservative movement.

    Sway21, you, and your bald dunce play both sides of the field too much.  Citing from Socialists Brookings, and Urban too?  GMAFB.


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