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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well done (none / 0) (#14)
    by JGillman on Sun Jan 22, 2012 at 12:05:06 PM EST
    there is so much more than my pitiful little connection.

    Its an entire enterprise, built on the "hope" for "change" that all the dummies who vote for this trash have.


    Your theory is predicated on a faulty premise (none / 0) (#15)
    by mm9 on Sun Jan 22, 2012 at 02:00:40 PM EST
    This theory is a convoluted twist of facts that don't really fit together unless you start with the assumption that high-ranking Democrats are really tools of George Soros and that there is massive corruption on their part, not unlike most liberal conspiracy theories. Furthermore, it is generally incomprehensible, since all you do to make your argument is link to stuff without writing out the logical chain of connections that form your theory. However, I'm not going to bother spending an hour writing out why because I don't need to. The reason I don't need to is because your premise is that Soros wanted this deal because it would put money in his pockets. And it doesn't.

    Firstly, there are three parents of the Harbin-Embraer joint venture. They are Embraer, a Brazilian aerospace manufacturer with no relation to Soros, and Harbin and Haifei, state-owned Chinese aerospace manufacturers.

    Secondly, Soros doesn't own shares in the HNA Group. From your article:

    HNA's international focus comes after years of domestic growth, during which the company turned Hainan Airlines, its flagship asset, into one of the leading carriers in China. Early investors included George Soros, the billionaire financier.
    Soros invested in Hainan Airlines, an asset of HNA Group, not HNA Group itself.

    Furthermore, the joint venture only produces commercial airliners, and the contract itself was awarded to a different joint venture between an American company and Embraer who are producing a military aircraft. So no, Soros has no stake in this deal. Perhaps Senator Reid does, but that would not be surprising, seeing as most Congressmen and Senators look to acquire military contracts for companies housed in their district or state. That is certainly a problem, but it is a far cry from Carl Levin working to sell America out to George Soros and foreign powers.

    Also, as an addendum, the reason I linked to the snopes article is that it was the first place I was able to find a quote from the USAF explaining why the Hawker Beechcraft aircraft was dismissed from bidding. Furthermore, the GAO document was included to give the government's side of the story. I do not know if Hawker Beechcraft's suit has any merit. It may well, since the issue concerning the debriefing and protest is a he-said she-said situation. However, the substance of yours and Mr. Gillman's assertions is that a Democratic Congress and President (esp. Senator Levin) conspired to award a contract to a foreign company purely to benefit George Soros. Neither of you has put together an argument that holds up to the slightest bit of scrutiny on that front. And incidentally, putting up a bunch of links without building a coherent narrative explaining how the various bits of information in each link work together to advance your theory will never convince anyone of it's accuracy unless they are predisposed to believe the assertion in the first place.


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