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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Ah, just the person I was looking for. (none / 0) (#4)
    by KG One on Thu Sep 29, 2011 at 10:49:33 AM EST
    I wish that were how the game is played (none / 0) (#5)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Sep 29, 2011 at 10:50:08 AM EST
    But it isn't within the Party.

    Mark Boonstra, the Washtenaw County GOP chair, said it was his decision to nominate Weiser and three others as delegates. He said Weiser didn't ask to be a delegate, but Boonstra did it out of respect for the chairman.

    "For anyone to suggest that our state party chairman was humbled by failing in his bid to become a delegate to the state party convention simply doesn't know the facts," Boonstra said. "They just wanted their people elected because they are supporting Ruth Johnson."

    Out of respect for the Chairman?  Yessiree, "Give that man a harrumph!"  The voters?  Not so much.  They don't have seniority.

    Mr. Anuzis, look, I respect what you're saying, and know that you've got the other pony in the race.  At this juncture I am not willing to cede completely to defeat in the fact that this Senate primary is just a two pony show just yet, and yes that is smack in the face of your 'men behind the curtain' MI-GOP peers.  Well, perhaps the frustration expressed in the comments of the quoted piece above is a good example of what the MI-GOP does to marginalize what you claim, "In the end, conservatives will have a choice...I hope we make it wisely."

    Way to send the liberals in the Michigan GOP a message!

    By 1conservative | Aug. 19, 2010, 9:07 AM

    We have tried in Monroe County to do the same, elect delegates that truly represent the people not their careers! We have a so called republican State Senator, Randy Richardville (17th District) that fought Mike Bishop on important conservative issues, he amended Mr. Bishops legislation to "water it down" for Richardville's union special interest buddies. His mom is the 1st Vice Chair and has been for many years, she basically runs the Republican Party in Monroe to ensure her career minded politician son stays in power. The Monroe County Republican Party officially claims to support the TEA Parties yet they don't support the Tea Party orgaizations in their own front yard! We are gonna change that! Every citizen should destroy the liberal political machines in their county by party take overs, use the same system to forward our constitutional principles.

    Is this a rant against Richardville? You bet it is! The citizens of the 17th Senate District deserve more than a bought and paid for career politican that is only interested in climbing his political ladder as "Rome" burns. We need to use data that the Mackinac Center provides to fight against the fraud, waste and abuse that is now our government!

    Yep.  That is pretty much how corrupt Party's have become.


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