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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Check to see if you have a nose (none / 0) (#7)
    by maidintheus on Fri Sep 16, 2011 at 02:53:13 PM EST
    in spite of your face. I suppose one shouldn't lock their doors if they don't have a dead bolt, close inefficient windows or build a segment of highway. If you can't have your whole way...fuggim!
    I really could care less the name calling co-opted as long as we're heading in the right direction.

    • Whatever... by Corinthian Scales, 09/16/2011 03:02:29 PM EST (none / 0)
    Now Scales . . . (none / 0) (#9)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sat Sep 17, 2011 at 12:14:42 PM EST
    . . . if you've been paying attention, then you may have noticed that I was in agreement with the maid on the fact that we didn't get to where we are overnight.  I will, however, cede the point that progressivism actually became mainstreamed with the Teddy Roosevelt administration (1901-1909).

    To one of your points, I absolutely agree with you that Senator Richardville is mistaken in incrementally enacting Freedom To Work.  (Of course, as the J-Man and I have discussed, there may be something else entirely different in play on this one.)  MIFTW needs to be enacted whole-hog in Michigan or not at all; and I think that we're both on the same side of the fence on this one.

    The point about reverse-incrementalism is with regard to restoring the true liberties that the Founding Fathers provided for us.  Our mission in this generation (by which I refer to Gen-X, a.k.a. the 13th Generation) should be to break the advance of socialist-progressivism, and reverse it where opportunity arises.  It won't be pretty, but it can be done.

    We should also be teaching our children and grandchildren the truths that they'll never learn in the public school system, because that's how we prepare them for what they'll have to do to pick up where we leave off when we ultimately go the way of all the earth.


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