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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A few thoughts (none / 0) (#9)
    by pbratt on Mon Mar 28, 2011 at 04:29:34 PM EST
    As a political data junkie, I'd like to thank you for your map. As a Democrat, I'd prefer not to have this map for Michigan.

    However, there is no way that your division of Grand Rapids will fly. It violates historic precedence, the Apol standards, and is rather unnecessary for making the 3rd District a GOP seat. I think your plan would be better off keeping GR whole in the third, and keep Battle Creek in the 7th.

    Secondly, congressional plans must adhere to strict population equality based on case law. If you are going to have such a variation in population, your map is going to be shot down.

    Thirdly, I don't think Candice Miller would like your map for District 10; It looks very similar to David Bonior's seat.


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