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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    here you go (none / 0) (#5)
    by migopwatch on Wed Nov 10, 2010 at 08:56:55 AM EST

    Nationally, Schostak gave $1,000 on 11/11/1999 to the presidential campaign of Bill Bradley and followed that up with $1,000 to Gore's presidential campaign on 06/24/1999. On 06/27/2007, he gave failed 2004 Democratic presidential candidate Kerry $500 for his U.S. Senate campaign.

    He also gave $666 to Democrat Mark Udall of Colorado on 11/14/2007 and $500 to Democrat Jack Reed of Rhode Island on 06/12/2007. Connecticut's Joe Lieberman and Maryland's Ben Cardin also received money from Schostak. Lieberman got $1,000 on 10/23/2006 and Cardin received $250 on 07/18/2005. In Ohio, Schostak gave $500 to Eric Fingerhut's U.S. Senate campaign on 07/19/2004.

    Back in Michigan, Schostak gave $1,000 to Granholm on 10/30/1998, another $1,000 on 12/14/1999, and $3,400 on 04/21/2004. He also gave $1,000 to Levin on 08/01/2o02 and another  $1,000 03/26/2001. Back in 1996, Levin received $1,000 (08/02/1996) while his brother, Congressman Sander Levin, got $250 (09/27/1996). On 03/29/2002, Dave Fink, who was running for Congress against then-Republican incumbent Joe Knollenberg, received $1,000 from Schostak. Stabenow received $500 from Schostak on 06/09/2000. That contribution came when she was challenging Spencer Abraham, who was the sitting Republican U.S. senator. There's no recorded contribution from Schostak to Abraham.

    In 1998, Schostak gave $200 to the 1998 campaign of Democrat Doug Ross, while his brother gave $2,200. I know a lot of people will claim that rich businessmen have to play both sides of the aisle, but let's not forget 1998 was the last time John Engler ran for governor. By giving money to Ross, Schostak directly opposed Engler, which is very ironic because Schostak attended a recent fundraiser with the ex-governor.

    Perhaps Schostak isn't photogenic, but everyone else was smiling in this photo and appeared excited to be with Engler. For whatever reason, Schostak didn't look happy. Perhaps he still harbored support for Ross.

    And only weeks before the 2008 election, Schostak gave $2,000 (10/07) to the campaign of Democrat Laurence Deitch. His contribution helped defeat Republican candidates John LaFond and Susan Brown.

    Here are some of Schostak's other Democratic contributions:

        * $500 to Gilda Jacobs on 06/01/2006
        * $300 to Burton Leland on 04/17/2003
        * $250 to Steve Tobocman on 04/16/2004
        * $100 to Gabe Leland on 09/02/2004

    Schostak also appears to be giving money to an entity called the Schostak Family PAC, which has given dozens and dozens of contributions in 2010 to Republican candidates in targeted races. But the PAC has a record of also giving money to Democrats. They've written checks to Harry Reid, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Dave Bing, Ken Cockrel, Gary Peters, and something called the MI Chairman's Fund, which appears to have been a PAC operated by Anuzis.


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