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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Bitchin' (none / 0) (#6)
    by maidintheus on Mon Sep 21, 2009 at 09:00:26 AM EST
    I'll repeat "take nothing for granted."

    We can look at the number of people who show up to vote, as percentage of the voting age public. It's been consistently dismal. Sure, there is that small percent that increases from time to time, that pulls us (by small margin, PTL) out of a national catastrophe. Even during the Reagan years we didn't vote by a percentage of the voting public that would speak to an understanding of ANYTHING, much less an understanding of our civic duties.

    Clearly, most people feel they need more time to fill out loan applications for more toys, lounge around watching movies made by those who support gov't take overs, play, stay out late clubbing, hooking up to gossip with their bitchin' friends on social networks, and can't find the time or see the need to go vote.

    To point out the obvious, I love run on sentences (not gonna stop either) and I'm not an English major :P    


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