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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Excess Dealerships Didn't Cause The Problem (none / 0) (#9)
    by BruceB on Sat Jul 11, 2009 at 08:23:06 AM EST
    Democrats caused the Problem:  GM/CHRYSLER/FORD
    Chrysler, GM and Ford aren't selling cars!  Well, neither is Nissan, down 42%, Toyota, down 34% or Honda, down 32%.  The problem isn't that GM, Ford and Chrysler aren't making cars that folks want to buy.  The problem is that people don't have the money or confidence to buy a car from any car company.  Simply put, people all over the world are not buying things unless they `have to'.  
    What Happened?  
    Back in the 1970's Democrat President Jimmy Carter decided that people who couldn't afford to pay for a house should be able to buy a house.  Democrats controlled both the House and Senate and were able to pass this legislation easily (Community Reinvestment Act).  Then these Democrats sent the regulators out to the banks to check the banks books to be certain that the banks were indeed making loans to people that couldn't afford to pay the banks back.  
    During the 80's and 90's now President Elect Barak Obama was helping "community organizations" such as Acorn sign up more folks into mortgages they couldn't afford to pay for.  
    A few years ago mortgage companies and banks even started to finance homes for more than the homes were worth.  Democrats Bill Clinton, Democrat Congressman Barney Frank and other Democrats in Congress, Democrat Senator Christopher Dodd and other Democrats in the Senate including Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow led the charge for bad mortgage loans.  During this decade Democrats Dodd, and Obama took huge amounts of campaign money from financiers on Wall Street and as a result Obama told Senator Dodd to include that AIG executive bonus language in the Bailout Bill.  
    During this decade Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were run into the ground by former Clinton officials Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelich.  Both Raines and Gorelich received millions of dollars while driving Freddie and Fannie into bankruptcy at huge cost to American taxpayers.  Obama Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel said recently, "Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste. ... They are opportunities to do big things," even sat on the board of Freddie Mac for 14 months during that time period and received +-$320,000 from Freddie Mac in return.  None of these Democrats lifted a hand to stop the fleecing of America that was being led by Democrats.  
    Both Republican Senator John McCain in 2005 and Republican President George W. Bush in 2002 spoke of the dangers of these bad loans.  They spoke of how these bad loans, supported by Democrats, would lead to disaster.  Republicans were correct but Republican words fell on the deaf ears of Democrats in Congress.  
    Now all the money that could be used to finance the things we want and need, homes, cars, food, clothing, and automobiles are tied up in houses that people can't afford to pay for.  All this was done with the full blessing of Democrats.  Why did Democrats do this to Americans?  Are Democrats stupid?   Are Democrats incompetent?  Did the Democrats mean to ruin America?  
    I believe what I see and I see Democrats that have left more and more folks unemployed and dependent on the government.  The fewer jobs people have the more folks are dependent on government!  It seems as though Democrats want poor people who are dependent on the Democrats.  
    Democrats created this "crises" and this "opportunity" gives them the chance to change America from being that "Shining City On A Hill" Ronald Reagan spoke fondly of into just another country run into ruin by self centered politicians with selfish agendas.  
    Were some Republicans involved in this scenerio?  Yes, but they were and are in the minority and those Republicans should be severely reprimanded for their complicity in this.  
    Humbly Submitted,


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