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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Actually, it's a first. (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Sat Jun 27, 2009 at 11:07:33 AM EST
    According to the local media who were in court when Conyers plead guilty, she was admonished by the judge three times for speaking so softly, that she couldn't be heard by him or the court reporter.

    Yes, the very same woman who got into a bar fight after getting elected, who belted out a heart-wrenching rendition of "Onward Christian Soldiers" with her fellow council members (where's Stryper when we need them?), and oh yeah, this:

    She was a quiet as a church mouse in Court.

    Regarding the feds, they had her her six ways from Sunday.

    The sad part here is that this was the worst kept secret in town, everyone knew that they had her. As a matter of fact, they had to comment twice in the local media about why they went as fast as they did.

    I also don't buy John Conyers' explanation that he knew "nothing" the deal.

    Yes, she has commented several times that they have an "open marriage" (whatever that means), but to not ask about where an extra $6,000 came from in their household (or $6,000 worth of stuff)?

    I'd love to hear the IRS buy that claim if they file their tax returns jointly!

    Jail time for Rep. Conyers perhaps?


    • Mr Dunno aka by maidintheus, 06/30/2009 02:50:52 PM EST (none / 0)

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