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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Change we don't need (none / 0) (#15)
    by Eric T on Sat Jan 17, 2009 at 09:49:18 AM EST
    Gays can currently serve in the military, under don't ask don't tell.
     so why the need to change the system.

    The current system is fine.

    why the need to be more open about a persons homosexuality, why the need to broadcast to the rest of the unit, what they are doing in their sex lives. You want an Army where the troops are falling in love with each other, and having gay sex in the barracks? Homosexual harassment by ranking officers?

    I just think it is a BIG distraction, and the military does have a right to be selective.

    Why does the Army have to change for YOU?
    Is it a, have it your way Army?

    The military offers great benefits, I tried to join but because of a car accident, I can't run.
    They told me, you need to be able to run and I WAS NOT able to join. I would have liked to learn how to be a medic, and get the military schooling and benefits. I did'nt expect the Army to change for me, why should they change for you?


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