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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    wars? (none / 0) (#9)
    by goppartyreptile on Mon Jun 16, 2008 at 10:02:03 PM EST
    Not sure what you mean, since this is nothing but a silly partisan shell game, but let's give it a try:

    War of 1812: Madison, a "Republican" like Jefferson, who eventually renamed their party "democrat"

    Mexican War: James K. Polk, Democrat

    Civil War:  Lincoln, Republican.  Although I would point out that his it was his predecessor, James Buchanan, Democrat, that allowed the situation to deteriorate

    Spanish American War: William Mckinley, Republican

    WWI: Woodrow Wilson, Democrat

    WWII:  Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democrat

    Korea:  Harry Truman, Democrat

    Vietnam... while tangled, Ike, Republican, refused to send more resources than arms. JFK, Democrat, sent advisors, LBJ, Democrat, ramped up the war with the introduction of troops, Nixon, Republican, oversaw the "Vietnamization" of the conflict, allowing troops to come home.  And signed the peace treaty.

    Panama, Gulf War: HW Bush

    Afghanistan, Iraq: George W.

    I respect our history too much to get into a "your side starts more wars" argument, but it looks like you just lost. And we can do the smaller incursions like the Barbary Wars, multiple incursions into Nicaragua, Haiti, Bosnia, Grenada, Lebanon, etc. And it breaks even.

    Oh, and as to the video.  He signed a contract.  He has not been discharged, and is in the Individual Ready Reserve. If he had read his contract, he'd know that until he has his discharge in his hand, he isn't out of the military.

    He can refuse all the orders he wants to.  The UCMJ provides options to the military to handle those that don't fulfill their obligations, even if they are doing it to be cute pets of the left.


    • exactly by prattleon, 06/17/2008 08:15:21 AM EST (none / 0)
    I am in the Military (none / 0) (#12)
    by tenex22 on Tue Jun 17, 2008 at 07:28:33 AM EST
    And I personally take offense to this individual and hope he is punished to the fullest extent of the UCMJ.

    If you sign up, take all the benefits awarded to you then pull a stunt like this, in my opinion is treason.

    We have a completely VOLUNTARY military. Nobody forced him to sign up. It is people like him and you that are turning this country into crap. If you make a commitment, you better damn well be prepared to live up to it.


    • What branch by Nick, 06/17/2008 07:33:21 AM EST (none / 0)
      • USCG by tenex22, 06/17/2008 07:34:39 AM EST (none / 0)


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