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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    then you should take this opportunity.... (none / 0) (#16)
    by damndems on Fri Jun 13, 2008 at 01:22:58 AM EST
    to say how you disagree with the tactics that your party chairman and house majority leader used to discredit the recall effort. In addition to their assertion that circulators supposedly were not from the district...they used the exact same argument of the petition being misleading that is being used against the progressive campaigns petition.

    No, that is not fraud (none / 0) (#20)
    by chetly on Fri Jun 13, 2008 at 11:29:17 AM EST
    That is not fraud, that may be technical error, it may even be perjury (falsely signing the circulator statement), and it may be nothing.  "Fraud" requires "knowing" misrepresentation.  Even the specificied "misdemeanor" of falsely signing a circulator certificate requires "KNOWING" the statement to be false.

    Only 30 of 15,000 signatures were tossed because of "fraud" (someone else signing someone else's name -- and that happens sometimes because a daughter signs for her 90 year mother, a "prankster" (still a crime) signs for someone, or someone signs "john smith" and an address to evade the petitioner "politely" -- none of those events have to do with the circulator or the sponsor).

    2000 signatures were indeed tossed in Leon's drive because non-resident circulators.  But to say that's fraud is a huge leap.  You have no proof of knowledge or intent.  Leon says many of the circulators lived on district border streets (wrong side of street), or similar issues, where the circulator genuinely believed they were eligible.  And there is the question of whether residency req. for ciruclators is even Constitutional.  But to say it is "fraud" is a wild stretch - I will agree though that it was a massive oversight failure by Leon.  I wouldn't have relied on a Constitutional challenge, and its reflect of some organizational question Leon is responsible for.

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

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