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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I beg your pardon. (none / 0) (#25)
    by gnu2u on Fri Dec 12, 2008 at 11:57:40 PM EST
    I must be in the wrong place.  I was under the  impression that this was a place where rational people could have a discussion about important topics.  Clearly I was mistaken. There is absolutely no reason for your rude response.  

    What I posted is not bullsh*t.  You had better believe that the democrats and the UAW will be trotting out footage of the Senate Republicans killing this bailout during midterm elections.  They will use it over and over and over. It will be a PR nightmare.

    Clearly you do not understand what I am saying. Please, if this is bullshine like you claim it is, show me the TARP regulations that cut investment bankers pay.  Where is that reduced to the equivalent of what the autoworkers are being asked to accept?  Where are the bonus caps on the banking industry? WHere is the oversight?  Tell me how Joe Average on the street is going to interpret this any other way than Republicans only care about rich guys and don't give a flying fig about them.  

    Please tell me what I have said that is not true. Oversight for TARP is sorely lacking.  There are no pay cuts for bankers, no income limits, no bonus caps. The Fed refuses to disclose to whom they have distributed $2 Trillion.  Those, Mr. Burley, are facts - irritating little things that they are. And the Democrats will make hay out of them at every opportunity.  

    So again, I ask you:  How can Senate Republicans demand concessions from the Big 3 and the UAW that they did not demand from Citibank or AIG or any of the rest of those crooks? How do we shovel $700 TRILLION dollars into the black hole of banking and then turn around and hit the Big 3 over the head with a brickbat?  They are both failing industries with major players on the verge of bankruptcy.  Quite frankly, they're both such disgusting messes, neither deserves one more dime of my money, bailout or otherwise. So what makes the bankers more deserving of rescue than the Big 3?

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