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    Tag: legislature (page 4)

    Michigan: Leadership or a funeral? A Choice for Republicans

    By Republican, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 06, 2009 at 01:53:45 PM EST
    Tags: MBT, SBT, Republicans, Legislature (all tags)

    Consider this article a brief letter and call to all Michigan Rebublicans and citizens in general.  We absolutely must do better than this!

    (7 comments, 688 words in story) Full Story

    There's embarrassing and then there are these local Dems

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 18, 2009 at 07:46:06 AM EST
    Tags: Gleason, Whitmer, Slezak, Robert Jones, tax hikes, cruise, Bahamas, Jim Crow, legislature (all tags)

    We're talking dumb, dumber and just plain asinine.  I don't know how else to describe the moves made yesterday by three Democratic state lawmakers here in Michigan, other than to slap my forehead forcefully and repeatedly.

    I'd probably get a kick out of some of this nonsense, if it wasn't so thoroughly dangerous.

    OK, so its not all dangerous.  One of the House Dem's freshmen members, for instance, isn't going to do any real overt damage but that doesn't make his latest campaign fundraising gimmick any less ridiculous.  Apparently the man doesn't own a TV or a radio and he's missed all of the Governor's "Pure Michigan" tourism ads.  

    Instead of hosting his next fundraiser on the lakeshore or at a great local restaurant or ski resort, Representative Jim Slezak is packing up his donors and asking them to shell out hundreds of dollars to go on a cruise with him.  Not in a classic car down Woodward Avenue in Detroit, mind you... on a cruise line.  To a private island.  In the Bahamas.  

    All aboard!

    I couldn't make this up.  Read on...

    (1 comment, 1061 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Okay, Rep. Dillon. It's put-up-or-shut-up time!

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jan 16, 2009 at 01:01:01 PM EST
    Tags: Property Taxes, Michigan, Legislature, Constitutional Amendment, Petition Drive (all tags)

    (Promoted by Nick...)

    A scant day or so from commenting on his desire to cut taxes, an opportunity presents itself.

    Continued below the fold...

    (1 comment, 129 words in story) Full Story

    "My dear guests, I am Speaker Dillon, your host. Welcome to Fantasy Island"

    By leondrolet, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 15, 2009 at 03:22:12 PM EST
    Tags: Dillon, legislature (all tags)

    Sadly, Ricardo Montalban, the actor who starred in the classic 1970s TV series, Fantasy Island passed away yesterday. Montalban's character greeted new guests to his island resort with the words, "My dear guests, I am Mr. Roarke, your host. Welcome to Fantasy Island".

    Michigan House Speaker Andy Dillon played the role of Mr. Roarke yesterday at the Capital in Lansing. Dillon welcomed 46 newly sworn-in state lawmakers, who began their first legislative day in traditional fashion - lobbyist receptions, buffets of food, pomp, and ceremony. Dillon welcomed these new lawmakers with a speech promising a House agenda focused on reform; including tax cuts, politician salary cuts, and new state programs - all with no loss in government tax revenues. Basically, Speaker Dillon welcomed the new lawmakers to Fantasy Island.

    The alchemy that Dillon hopes the House can use to maintain state spending, add new programs and still cut taxes is called, "restructuring". By "restructuring" the tax burden, Dillon thinks he can find a magic formula that makes everyone happy by reshuffling the tax code without actually cutting taxes or cutting spending. Dillon believes that somewhere, out there, is an absolute perfect way of keeping people happy while making them pay high taxes. Maybe people don't like high sales taxes? OK. Dillon is willing to lower them as long as people pay higher income taxes. Don't like that? OK, how about higher business taxes instead? No? Ok, he'll cut business taxes, but hike fees by an equivalent amount.

    (4 comments, 442 words in story) Full Story

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