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    Tag: Mackinac Center (page 5)

    Film Credit Failure Redux..

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 20, 2010 at 12:04:55 PM EST
    Tags: Film Credits, Lost Jobs, Mackinac Center, Michigan (all tags)

    Despite state giving away $117 million in subsidies over two years, there are nearly 10 percent fewer industry jobs.

    Pardon me.. do you have a second?  I just wanted to say...

    I told you so.

    Or Better yet.. I TOLD YOU SO!

    OK.. not exactly it, but a good representation of prognostication with regard to this issue.  But this time with a little twist of lemony puckering.

    Film Reel Below The Fold..

    (3 comments, 324 words in story) Full Story

    In the MACKINAC CENTER Sphere

    By THE MC Mackinac Center Blog, Section News
    Posted on Fri Apr 09, 2010 at 09:51:32 AM EST
    Tags: Mackinac Center (all tags)

    The latest posts from the MC, the Mackinac Center blog.

    * * *

    Unfinished Business — The UAW could still bring the Big Three down.

    NFIB Files Brief in Support of Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Case — The illegal shanghaiing of home-based day care providers into a union has attracted the attention of the National Federation of Independent Business.

    East Lansing's Teacher Contract Analysis — Compensation, health insurance, overtime and bonus pay.

    Lehman: Bold Strokes Needed to Save Michigan — Bringing state and local public-employee benefits in line with the benefits offered in the private sector would save Michigan $5.7 billion annually.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    In the MACKINAC CENTER Sphere Today

    By THE MC Mackinac Center Blog, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 06, 2010 at 11:26:52 AM EST
    Tags: Mackinac Center (all tags)

    The latest posts from the MC, the Mackinac Center blog.

    * * *

    Golden Ticket — Video: Scarce slots at a charter school lottery. (Related story here.)

    I'm Your Vehicle, Baby — The White House to buy cars from government-owned GM.

    Proposal Would Punish Prudent School Districts — An attempt to micromanage school budgets isn't likely to help schools become fiscally stable.

    Nobody's Servant — Public employees make more than private-sector workers.

    Comments >>

    In the MACKINAC CENTER Sphere Today

    By THE MC Mackinac Center Blog, Section News
    Posted on Tue Mar 30, 2010 at 09:41:07 AM EST
    Tags: Mackinac Center (all tags)

    The latest posts from the MC, the Mackinac Center blog.

    * * *

    Running Hot and Cold — The next wave of climate change.

    Economic Development 'Chicanery' — Lift the rocks and see what scuttles out.

    Little League Advice for Schools — School districts in Michigan would benefit from some advice from a Little League coach.

    'Cause You Know It Don't Matter Anyway — High and dry, and out of the rain / It's so easy to hurt others when you can't feel pain!

    Comments >>

    In the MACKINAC CENTER Sphere Today

    By THE MC Mackinac Center Blog, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 29, 2010 at 11:20:06 AM EST
    Tags: Mackinac Center (all tags)

    The latest posts from the MC, the Mackinac Center blog.

    * * *

    Texas Two-Step — Why Michiganders are moving to the Lone Star state.

    A Little Goes a Long Way — The government is already too involved in health care.

    See You in Court — The Mackinac Center appeals day care unionization case to the Michigan Supreme Court.

    'Green Bonds' House Bill Encourages More Debt — If HB 5663 is the best lawmakers can do, we would be better off if they stayed home.

    Michigan Employment and Personal Incomes Better, But... — Transfer payments, which are largely government for social assistance programs, increased substantially in Michigan. Without them, Michigan drops to 41st among the states in per capita personal income.

    A MEGA Blast From the Past — We've been here before.

    Comments >>

    In the MACKINAC CENTER Sphere Today

    By THE MC Mackinac Center Blog, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 24, 2010 at 09:45:07 AM EST
    Tags: Mackinac Center (all tags)

    The latest posts from the MC, the Mackinac Center blog.

    * * *

    Funds Disclosure — Convicted embezzler and tax-credit winner isn't the only one withholding critical information. (More articles on that theme here, here, here and here.)

    New Census Data: Michigan Economy Suffering More Than State Budget — Squeezing blood from a rock.

    Reorganization of Departments of Natural Resources and Environmental Quality Is Bad News — "Matrix management" is a major glitch.

    A Case for Private School Choice in Detroit — A universal tuition tax credit program would make high-quality education available to all students.

    Comments >>

    In the MACKINAC CENTER Sphere Today

    By THE MC Mackinac Center Blog, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 18, 2010 at 09:13:15 AM EST
    Tags: Mackinac Center (all tags)

    The latest posts from the MC, the Mackinac Center blog.

    * * *

    This Just In: Convicted Embezzler's Business Awarded State Tax Subsidy — Richard A. Short, shared the stage with Gov. Jennifer Granholm.

    No Checkbook Left Behind — More Michigan school districts get on board with transparency efforts.

    MEGA Jobs Announcements Symbolic Drop in the Bucket — Press-release economics aren't the answer.

    Michigan Service Tax Proves (Groucho) Marx Correct — Expanding the sales tax to more services is the wrong remedy.

    Comments >>

    In the MACKINAC CENTER Sphere Today

    By THE MC Mackinac Center Blog, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 17, 2010 at 08:31:08 AM EST
    Tags: Mackinac Center (all tags)

    Comments >>

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