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    Tag: Justin Amash (page 5)

    Congressman Amash Floor Speech - 18 January 2011

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 19, 2011 at 08:32:42 PM EST
    Tags: Justin Amash, H.R. 2 - Repealing The Job-Killing Health Care Law Act (all tags)

    ~ Promoted because that other thing was depressing.. ~

    Okay, boys and girls, we have heard that H.R. 2, Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, was an A-List priority for the 112th Congress (at least for the House of Representatives).  In fact, it was debated for the past two days, and voted on this evening.  The Democrats attempted to score political points by putting forward a motion to recommit (with instructions) and attaching - to the motion - an amendment calling for the elimination of healthcare benefits for Members of Congress.  Voting for the motion would be tantamount to voting against repeal of ObamaCare, and the motion failed, 185-245.  The vote on H.R. 2 was then taken, and it passed 245-189.  The video is of my Congressman, Justin Amash, giving a floor statement yesterday afternoon in support of H.R. 2 (the text of the statement is below the fold).  Very well done, Congressman.

    (15 comments, 489 words in story) Full Story

    Michelle Bachman Event In Grand Rapids

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 03, 2011 at 04:01:31 PM EST
    Tags: Robert Schostak, Michelle Bachmann, Michigan Republican Party, Kent County Republicans, Tea Party of West Michigan, Independence Caucus of Michigan, Michigan Tea Party Alliance, Norm Shinkle, Eileen McNeil, Alex Clark, Sarah Ledford, Justin Amash, Bill Huizenga (all tags)

    As the state's chief executive, Rick Snyder has a long-standing right accorded to all such chief executives: that being the right to indicate his preference for his party's state chairmanship.  Should he choose to exercise that right, as he has done in endorsing Robert Schostak (the sitting MIGOP Finance Chair), then it is with the expectation that his preference will be respected.  Moreover, of the seven or nine names that I've heard tossed about as possible challengers, none save Troy Rolling (the sitting MIGOP Grassroots Vice-Chair) has emerged as an actual candidate, and I'm not sure that Rolling's challenge should be taken seriously.

    But Mr. Schostak is a wise man, and he is well aware that the voting delegates of the Michigan Tea Party Alliance (who will carry considerable clout on the state convention floor) require some convincing before they'll buy into his candidacy.  It was with this very thing in mind that he scheduled a couple of events - occurring on December 28th - with the leader of the Congressional Tea Party Caucus, Michelle Bachmann.

    (4 comments, 1585 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Race Blogging - 29th State Senate Seat

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Tue Oct 26, 2010 at 09:48:21 AM EST
    Tags: Fix Michigan Center of West Michigan, Kent County Republicans, Kentwood, Justin Amash, Ken Yonker, Bing Goei, Harold Mast, Dick VanderMolen, Shana Shroll, Independence Caucus, Michigan Republican Party, Dave Hildenbrand, Michigan Democrat Party, David LaGrand, Libertarian Party of Michigan, Bill Gelineau (all tags)

    (Promoted by Nick...)

    My "normal job" here at the Fix Michigan Center of West Michigan is as the Communications Coordinator, which means that I'm supposed to be cranking out one blog per week.  Yeah . . . not so much.  The brutal reality for me this particular election cycle is that I've been heavily involved in a leadership position for the Kent County Republicans in the ground game in Kentwood.  My work is impacting the 3rd Congressional race (Justin Amash), the 72nd and 75th State House races (Ken Yonker and Bing Goei, respectively), and the 12th, 13th, and 19th County Commission races (Harold Mast, Dick VanderMolen, and Shana Shroll).  Of those candidates, only VanderMolen is an incumbent; Mast and Shroll are challengers, and the others are running for open seats.

    So far as I know, all six of those races are more or less safely in Republican hands right now, though some of them are tighter than we might care for.  On the other hand, there is one race in Kent County that will be closer than we'd like, that the Democrats want really bad, that the Republicans cannot afford to lose . . . and I've been working on the ground game (to a greater or lesser degree) since May.  Such is the life of a Precinct Delegate.

    Until The Polls Open In Michigan

    (4 comments, 1902 words in story) Full Story

    Justin Amash--Obstructionist or Principled Leader?

    By JenniferMI, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 22, 2010 at 10:39:22 PM EST
    Tags: Justin Amash, just say no (all tags)

    I have heard the term obstructionist more in the last 18 months than I have in the previous 18 years.  Over those 18 months, the term has largely been applied to Republicans who stood up against President Obama's liberal agenda.

    (2 comments, 474 words in story) Full Story

    Justin Amash Money Bomb Today!

    By TylerWhitney, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 20, 2010 at 07:49:41 AM EST
    Tags: Justin Amash, Congress, Liberty (all tags)

    A "money bomb" is "a coordinated mass donation drive for a political candidate." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_bomb


    RSVP today to show your commitment to contributing $20 or more to Justin Amash for Congress during the May 20 money bomb!

    The money bomb takes place at http://bit.ly/mb4amash. You can learn more and follow the donation ticker at http://amashforcongress.com/.


    This election season, you have the opportunity to send a principled, consistent conservative with a proven voting record to the United States Congress. There's only one such candidate in the Third Congressional District race--and that's Justin Amash. Check out Justin's voting record and see for yourself: http://michiganvotes.org/.

    Republican Justin Amash is Michigan's leading advocate of limited government, free markets, and individual liberty. As a state representative, he has set new standards for transparency and accountability. Justin was one of the first two state legislators to list his office expenses, staff salaries, and legislative benefits online. He has also earned a wide following among Michigan voters for posting all of his votes, with explanations and an opportunity for interactive discussion, on his official Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/justinamash.

    On Thursday, May 20, please visit http://amashforcongress.com/ to contribute $20 or more to Justin Amash for Congress. Together, we can make a real difference!

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