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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Interesting talking points used by the 'Lil Guv. (5.00 / 2) (#2)
    by KG One on Thu Sep 05, 2013 at 06:52:09 PM EST
    Several days ago, I attended an "informational" seminar put on by the local state senator on the Affordable Care Act (the AARP rep giving the presentation ABSOLUTELY hated the term Obamacare and claimed that prevented people from obtaining "unbiased" information on the subject).

    Several things that I found interesting in what the democrats & 'Lil Guv like to use:

    - "It is the law of the land."

    What are the odds that a democrat and a "republican" would use the exact same argument?

    There are many laws on the books that fly in the face of limited government. Should everyone just be a docile, unquestioning and obedient little slaves just because the Chief Justice was off of his meds that day?

    Which leads us to...

    - "Our elected officials have decided that it is in our best interest to require everyone to purchase health insurance."

    Holy parental guidance, Batman!

    When did the people we elect to represent us, get off thinking that this automatically allows them to tell their bosses what to do?

    One more doozy...

    - "We will be saving money with Snydercaid medicaid expansion."

    I really love this argument.

    I can save money by spending money that I didn't really need to spend in the first place.

    Wrap your brain around that for a second.

    And those are just SOME of the examples of the talking points that happen to "coincidentally" overlap.

    There were actually several more I haven't posted.


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