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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Don't opine too fast on that (none / 0) (#3)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Aug 13, 2013 at 12:32:28 PM EST
    Let the 'asstablishment' stuff however many polls they want.  The PaulTard Liberaltarians do it all the time - still epically lose.

    Look, it's no secret that I didn't vote for the fraud in 2010.  There is no way in Hell that I would consider another dose of the Big Government Solutions centralizing phony bastard in 2014.

    If I even sense that the Nerd POS has a chance of being re-elected, yes, even with the dumbass concept of replacing Lt. Mandate boy, I will vote Schauer just to oust the nasally Eurotrash attired A2 limousine liberal pr!ck.

    The Republican Majority from 2010 sent to Lansing, has been as useless as tits on a boar - Fact after tax hiking fee raising fact.  And, to all the RTW/FTW clinger-ons... get over it - the Nerd didn't support it - MORE IMPORTANTLY - it's history.  Get over it.

    Maybe a Gov. Schauer would force "Team R" in Lansing to pull its collective head out of its Bifarceisan ass, and if not, then f#@% them too.

    Let the MIaGoPC'd fade into the sniveling for a seat at the table Minority Party of Democrat Socialist-lite that they truly are.


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