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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    To play devil's advocate... (none / 0) (#6)
    by jgillmanjr on Wed May 29, 2013 at 05:56:40 PM EST
    How much effort would be required to ensure that people don't just make sham companies, and make all transactions business to business?

    • The demarc . . . by Kevin Rex Heine, 05/30/2013 08:49:17 AM EST (none / 0)
      • More worms by jgillmanjr, 05/30/2013 09:43:38 AM EST (5.00 / 1)
    I get the... (none / 0) (#9)
    by KG One on Sun Jun 02, 2013 at 10:42:25 AM EST
    ...Reader's Digest summation the Michigan Fair Tax.

    I will grant that this, and the National Fair Tax, are a well-thought out proposals, but they still suffer from two fatal flaws.

    One, they will still require a bureaucracy to operate.

    Cutting "prebate" checks to everyone is time and resource intensive. You will still require an infrastructure to monitor every resident and know exactly where they live (And no, I DO NOT want a MFT "Bridge" Card).

    I should also mention that some of those systems already in place are already fraught with "waste, fraud and abuse".

    Two, that same bureaucracy will be the ultimate arbiter of what is and is not acceptable for Michigan Taxpayers.

    I'm not entirely sure if I agree with the "autopilot" designation...but I do know that something which removes all direct contact from the contents of mine and everyone else's wallet from those in government who are all-too willing to spend it from the equation is the direction that we need to go back to.


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