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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    To Be or Not To Be (none / 0) (#2)
    by TiredIronTim on Mon Mar 04, 2013 at 02:22:43 PM EST
    Jason brilliantly illustrates the dilemma faced by principled members of the GOP.

    I am a Republican because the Michigan Republican Party stands for this, this, and this. Or do they?

    Let's change the name and see if it clears things up a bit.

    1. I am a member of Right To Life because they oppose abortion A) All the time B) Most of the time C) Sometimes D) While they don't really stand against abortion all the time, at least they're not abortionists

    2. I'm a member of the NRA because A) They always defend my 2nd Amendment rights B) They usually defend my 2nd Amendment rights C) They stand for the 2nd Amendment, but sometimes their allies pressure them into doing things against their usual positions D) They only sometimes defend the 2nd Amendment, but at least they're not defending gun control- most of the time.

    The Founding Principles are my principles- all of the time, and I am not well-served by being a member of a party that does not represent a similar belief or positions on governance. That being said, if I was an out of state movie producer I may feel differently. Just Sayin.

    Tim Bos

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