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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    AFFS .. how got-damn stupid can you be? (none / 0) (#3)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Jan 11, 2013 at 03:52:16 PM EST
    You dumb bastard, Serrano has been pushing for repeal of the 22nd Amendment for the past decade and a half, where have YOU been?

    Repealing the 22nd Amendment has been a longtime goal of Serrano's, regardless of the sitting president's political party. Serrano proposed similar resolutions in 1997 and 1999, during  Bill Clinton's administration, and in 2001, 2003, 2005, and 2007, during George W. Bush's administration. He proposed the repeal again in 2009 after Obama took office.

    Since BJ Clinton?  It's not about color, it's about a Marxist regime ideology desiring unlimited control, stupid.

    Oppression of White people by Obama?  Oh, really...

    As Democrats in Congress celebrate a historic number of women elected to their ranks, the White House's top ranks reflect a very different picture -- one that is largely male.

    CNN has learned President Barack Obama is expected to nominate White House chief of staff Jack Lew as treasury secretary.

    The likely contenders to replace Lew -- including Ron Klain, who once served as Vice President Joe Biden's chief of staff, and Denis McDonough, a deputy national security adviser -- are all men.

    Then there's the president's recent choice for defense secretary: former Sen. Chuck Hagel. The preferred choice to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state is another man: Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry.

    Again, it's about a Marxist regime ideology, not color.  Those who are coming under scrutiny by Team zerO are old White Socialists, and a treacherous, HAMAS loving Jew loathing RINO.  

    You seriously need to go get some got-damn professional help already, and if I am correct about who I suspect you are... then more F-bombs to you, again.

    2A protects ALL of We the People from being crushed under the jackboot of government - end of story.


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