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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    You really want to have fun... (none / 0) (#7)
    by KG One on Mon Sep 10, 2012 at 04:13:38 PM EST
    ...or pick a fight (I've found that this will do both in the right circumstance), use their own patron saint (hint, hint: César Chávez) against them.

    " Here's the ironic part: Despite the fact that Chávez is these days revered among Mexican-American activists, the labor leader in his day was no more tolerant of illegal immigration than the Arizona Minutemen are now. Worried that the hiring of illegal immigrants drove down wages, Chávez - according to numerous historical accounts - instructed union members to call the Immigration and Naturalization Service to report the presence of illegal immigrants in the fields and demand that the agency deport them. UFW officials were even known to picket INS offices to demand a crackdown on illegal immigrants.

    And in 1973, in one of the most disgraceful chapters in UFW history, the union set up a "wet line" to prevent Mexican immigrants from entering the United States. Under the guidance of Chávez 's cousin, Manuel, UFW members tried at first to convince the immigrants not to cross. When that didn't work, they physically attacked the immigrants and left some bloody in the process. It happened in the same place that the Minutemen are now planning to gather: the Arizona-Mexico border.

    At the time, The Village Voice said that the UFW conducted a "campaign of random terror against anyone hapless enough to fall into its net." In their book, "The Fight in the Fields," Susan Ferris and Ricardo Sandoval recall the border incident and write that the issue of how to deal with the undocumented was "particularly vexing" for Chávez."

    I really can't see how anyone couldn't admire what this guy did! He accomplished more during his day, than our non-representing representatives can even hope for.

    Speaking of the weenies temporarily running things in Lansing, I've pretty much wrote them off as an unscrupulous, morally bereft, lost bunch.

    They had better get ready now, and by that, I mean load up on Chap Stick and get ready to plant a big wet one on Mark Brewers derriere.

    'Cuz that's the only way things'll get done after they lose control in November.


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