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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Yup. You got it right, KG (none / 0) (#4)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sat Sep 08, 2012 at 07:56:33 PM EST
    Not sure if you pay much attention to Mr. Ed Arditti, at The Windsor Square, but he's been on top of the JenniRick Snydholm DRIC Show since day one.

    Just a little Team Romney/Hoekstra GOTV quagmire teaser.

    She wrote a very interesting article on HuffingtonPost.com on August 16, 2012:

    "I don't know what's worse: Is it that a party would deliberately seek to deny American citizens the right to vote knowing full well the extraordinary sacrifices that went into securing those rights? Or is it that there are so many Americans who - with that same knowledge of sacrifice and for whatever unsatisfactory reason -- decide to give in to apathy and simply choose not to vote?"

    Oh sure, it is a seeming attack on the National Republican Party and a plea for people to get out and vote.

    But here is the kicker. Could it really be an attack on the Governerd although she and he seem to have an arrangement that they would be nice to each other. It really is what the DRIC-ites are trying to do. They really don't want people coming out to vote in favour of the Bridge Company Referendum. The DRIC-ites seem to be proud of the fact that they designed an Agreement that would undercut the will of the People on the Referendum:

    "The right is working very, very hard this election, spending record amounts of money, for the purpose of having you decide not to vote. They are desperate for you to stay home. They are spending money on ads. They are spending money on voter suppression. They are spending money on letting you know they are spending money so that it disgusts you; so that you're turned off by the whole awful spectacle they've created. They have the champagne on ice, ready to pop the cork on election night when you opt out."

    Mr. Howes just told us that his lovely special interest groups are trying to raise a campaign chest of $20 million. Clearly, they are working very, very hard to spend record amounts of money.

    They don't want People to try and distinguish amongst the different referenda. They just want People really to vote "NO" against the Moroun Referendum but know that they could not raise very much money in order to do so. Heck, the Governerd and the Lieut. Governerd have been going around the State begging to get their supporters to provide cash for ads and are seemingly getting nowhere. So get the people not to come out to vote or to confuse everyone by getting them to vote "NO" on everything.

    Entire article here

    Uh-oh.  That NAFTA boondoggle DRIC sure throws a big wrench in the plans to hump any of the MI-GOP anointed over the 59 day remaining finish line, Ricky, and Lt. Mandate boy.

    Snyder/Calley against We the People.

    Puuuure Michigan.


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