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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Vulgar Brown and her past in majority (5.00 / 1) (#9)
    by Tom McMillin on Fri Jun 15, 2012 at 09:42:15 PM EST
    This whining from libs about being disciplined for a vulgar outburst - the entire sentence in context of course, needs to stop.
    For two years, the Dems stopped me from speaking on the floor regularly - and it was because of my policy views...not because I went vulgar or behaved inappropriately - Skubick even wrote about it:
    Now - while Brown and Barb Byrum were in the majority last session, they never once spoke up for me over the many, many times I was not allowed to speak.  Byrum was even the Dem Caucus chairwoman.
    And yeah - believe it or not, we in the MI legislature expect some order.  Brown was way out of line - again (of course) not over one word, but the entire context - if you've seen the video, one can only surmise she forgot she wasn't in a bar with her liberal buddies.  If there's no consequence to conduct like this, then the left will just continue to push the envelope and enjoy the chaos they can create.
    And by the way, we were passing a bill that said that abortion clinics need to have regulation similar to other outpatient facilities.  currently, podiatrist offices are more regulated than abortion clinics.
    I called for this kind of legislation back in 2004 after little 15 year old Tamiia Russell died in Lathrup Village due to complications from an abortion at a "clinic" (pg 244):
    And let's not forget the true motivation of Brown's allies at Planned Parenthood:
    In typical Alinsky form, the interest of leftists who are wrong on policy, resort to outrage and ridicule.

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