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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Curious (none / 0) (#6)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Jun 15, 2012 at 05:25:40 PM EST
    Isn't all the effort of debate you have going with I presume a bunch of ChiCom scrap beggars much like debating whether or not Obama is a Musloid?  It really doesn't matter if Barry is or not, his actions in the Middle East dumping on Israel is the problem.  It's very similar to the Governerd and his bullsh!t NAFTA Bridge that LaHood is involved with along with that bigger object, the wanted Transit Authority.  Be it a second term of Barry Oweblamebush Downgrade, or one with Willard in Office, the Governerd has bases covered in DC and us taxpayers, well, the ones that actually do pay taxes, will be paying for the bullsh!t NAFTA Bridge.

    In the end, it is the hypocrisy that bothers me the most.

    If a report prepared by a recognized expert retained by the Bridge Company says that DRIC will cost Michiganders $100 million a year, then it must be dismissed out of hand. If a recognized law professor retained by the Bridge Company says that there are significant legal issues that favour the Bridge Company's right to exclusivity in the corridor between Windsor and Detroit in perpetuity, then his report must be dismissed out of hand. However, if a Canadian Government financed report talks about all the economic benefits that DRIC will bring, then it is the gospel truth.

    I have no intention whatsoever of reviewing the report prepared by the Center for Automotive Research entitled "Analysis of the Economic Contribution of Constructing the New International Trade Crossing: A New Bridge Linking Detroit and Windsor."

    Rest here.

    God bless Prince William Clay II, and Mr. Rick Ardesta for their relentless Central Planning.

    Sheeple were made to be shorn.

    I'll never touch another FoMoCo product again as long as I live.

    F#@% Snyder too.


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