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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    "Thank you for your service" (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed May 02, 2012 at 01:08:17 PM EST
    Snyder: We have to do more for our veterans

    Gov. Rick Snyder says that Michigan is going to reevaluate how the state treats its 700,000 veterans.

    Snyder, speaking at a Veteran's Day dinner at the Bavarian Inn Lodge, said the way veterans are treated in the state is "unacceptable."

    Ya, no kidding.  I'm pretty sure that small business owner and Air Force veteran, Mr. Baker, thinks the states treatment is "unacceptable" too.

    Make no mistake about the heavy-handed jackboot operation our government has become.

    Highlights of the day were:

    According to several counts, between the Attorney General, DNR and Department of Agriculture there were 17 State of Michigan Employees in the courtroom concerning this case.  The lead characters were all dressed in black (Mark likened it to the Matrix).  Security was intense.  At this small, rural county courthouse everyone was supposed to go through metal detectors, past numerous deputies and State Police Troopers.  An explosive sniffing dog walked through small groups of farmers and supporters.  Mark noticed a couple scruffy looking fellows in overalls and talked to one of them on a couple of separate breaks.  The fellow shared that he was currently unemployed, homeless, and had nothing else to do, so he came to see the proceedings.  Ah, OK.  Mark then asked how an unemployed fellow such as himself made it past all that security into the courtroom with a concealed gun and wearing a Kevlar vest .   The fellow quickly found someone else to talk to.  There were several similar experiences related by others who attended.  As with other meetings with this agency, the farmers and ranchers were "disarmed" with great show (not that there were any arms in the first place) while the agents went to great lengths (and expense) to show their force.

    It was interesting to hear the DNR attempt to explain how there is a second species of swine. Even though common sense people believe that all animals that can breed and produce fertile off spring are of the same species, somehow, someway, the DNR believes some swine are a totally different species than others.

    Entire entry here

    Yup. America is really looking gulag bound.

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