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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Hoekstra did the unforgiveable (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by JGillman on Fri Feb 24, 2012 at 07:50:45 PM EST
    He took our money and gave it to private business.

    Then he expected us to understand that the banking system would collapse if it wasn't done.

    So?  It didn't make it right.

    So THEN he voted for cash for clunkers. All the logic in the world says destroy wealth, and you have less of it.  Upton and Pete pushed hard for round II even.

    So now, po folk have fewer used vehicles and the marked is unnaturally skewed.  Everything a simple hick from the hinterlands like me could understand, and actually PREDICTED!:

    "  For used car dealers, it will likely have an adverse effect. By creating an abnormal shortage of used vehicles of a particular class, the used car dealers will see higher prices to place those vehicles on their lots.  Further, the POOR will also be negatively affected, as new car financing won't be in the cards for them.  When those who could not afford to buy the new cars even under the program attempt to find a suitable "b" value used car, they will see the added cost reflected in their purchase."

    Poor judgment at best wanton ignorance most likely, and a dash of frankly I don't give a crap.

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    Croton Crier 5

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