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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Fair enough (none / 0) (#11)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Feb 27, 2012 at 03:17:52 PM EST
    We're basically on the same side of an issue.  I don't see Newt worthy of being rewarded a vote on numerous levels, nor do I see TARP$tra.  Lawyerball the position of Office any which way possible and it don't change who TARP$tra is.  The man is bad juju.

    IMO John seems to choose quantity over quality.  You listed a boatload of loser names above.  Don't get me wrong, I get it.  StatNat is a business.  I also get that Reagan once said that the second oldest profession strongly resembles the first.  I don't see where it helps with adding any somewhat above room temperature body to the brothel.  That also doesn't aid much with this over here, does it?

    If you've been paying attention you'll notice the old man has been handsomely awarded with accolade on here that some may not remember him being a major player.  Perhaps, what I see happening now is just a generational thing.  America has kinda gone to sh!t that way, so there prolly are no exception to that rule for the consulting bid'ness either.

    For tomorrow, I'm comfortably voting for Santorum.

    When the Senate race takes off, I will be for Durant.  Ya, really like Glenn, but he like the others, they have no coin.

    Beside, the dirt digger on the Culture of Corruption in DC just endorsed Durant.  He's a decent man.  Exactly like Santorum  ;P


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