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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Moi? Ouch, RushLake... (none / 0) (#9)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Feb 22, 2012 at 10:26:15 AM EST
    Hmmm, you also must've missed that if Giant Douche is the last candidate standing, I'm still not voting for him.

    And ya, I've noticed that the Lefty old creep is still palling around with his Musloid Paulsimian friends in Dearbornistan.

    At 7 p.m. Monday, Paul will also host a "Doctors for Paul" rally at the Dearborn Civic Center with a coalition of physicians supporting his candidacy. Paul will be introduced by Hussein Saghir, former president of the Arab Student Union, a University of Michigan-Dearborn student group which is co-sponsoring the event. Saghir is an MSU medical student who does rotations at Henry Ford Hospital -- where Paul completed his residency in 1962.

    Flash back to December 7, 2007:

    'Well WE Don't Think He's Crazy,' Say UM-Dearborn Students of Ron Paul

    At least some portion of UM-Dearborn's Arab students (enough to constitute a "rally"), turned out last Monday to try to drum up support for Republican presidential candidate, Ron Paul. ("Students rally for Ron Paul").

    According to the UM-D campus newspaper, The Michigan Journal, the rally was organized by the Arab Student Union and the Students United for Peace and Justice.

    United for Peace and Justice is a national, anti-Bush, anti-Israel, group whose list of best friends includes the Communist Party USA, CODEPINK, and the ADC.

    UFPJ's issues include opposition to the War in Iraq, opposition to Israel, opposition to sanctions against Iran, opposition to military recruitment and the US military in general, (see example of the UFPJ anti-military poster at right), nuclear disarmament (of the USA), and exploiting tragedies like Hurricane Katrina as accessories to sticky-fingered groups like the AFL-CIO and the NAACP in their get-richer-quick schemes to referee "the equitable distribution of money and resources from Federal, state and local government and other relief agencies."

    Rest here

    Liberaltarians = disenfranchised Democrats.

    Fug 'em.


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