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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    One point out of four. Well, that's a start. (none / 0) (#5)
    by KG One on Sun Feb 12, 2012 at 12:31:32 PM EST
    The only thing that I know will happen this fall is that those claiming to be conservatives by slapping that "-r" after their name without ever bothering to follow what they preach, will get taken behind the woodshed this November.

    The only positive note will come from SCOTUS about a month earlier after they strike down PPACA as unconstitutional. Unfortunately with a compact in place, you'll have progressives who will attempt to use it as a vehicle to enact Obamacare-lite here in Michigan, while they'll be regrouping in Washington to circumvent the Supreme's ruling.

    I get the overall gist behind your argument; it's the lesser of two evils. But like it or not, those other three points are legitimate concerns that no one wants to address. much less acknowledge that they even exist.

    To pooh-pooh them as easily as you have done is discerning, to say the least.

    You want me to throw out some ideas on top of my concerns?

    I'm game:

    • Tort Reform. Initiate a loser pays provision. Prohibit someone from playing the legal lottery and prohibiting them from filing any further cases if they have lost a previous lawsuit and haven't completely paid what they have owed.

    • State boundaries. I haven't found the constitutional authority to prohibit residents from purchasing health insurance from another state on the federal level. Eliminate any prohibitions that exist in Michigan law. Use ALEC to coordinate with other state legislators to do the same.

    • Impose means-testing for recipients of medicaid in Michigan. Yes, you can do that for medicaid. It's already being done for welfare. Why stop there?

    • Impose a time limit of benefits. Providing cradle to grave coverage only ensure the creation of a generation expecting a hand out.

    • Impose a limit on the number of family members eligible for coverage. Nolan Finley elaborated on this problem much better than I can.

    • Get a third party company to operate a HIPP system in Michigan. Someone who is interested in turning a profit will be more inclined to control costs, than someone who feels that the taxpayers can be hit up for more money when they fail. With republicans losing power in Lansing, the more road blocks you can throw in the progressive's way before then, the better.

    • Quit mandating the latest cause célèbre as a requirement for insurance companies to include in their policies. Just because people like LG Calley are too cheap pay for autism treatment for his own child, doesn't mean that I want to see my insurance rates go up as a result.

    You want more? Or are those enough to get thrown in the hopper?


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