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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    compact (none / 0) (#1)
    by Tom McMillin on Sun Feb 12, 2012 at 08:14:04 AM EST
    Since I authored HB4693, I of course believe its a good piece of legislation that will get the feds out of healthcare and restore freedom to our citizens.  Once approved by Congress, compacts trump the federal government - in this case, it'd be like a block grant for medicare and medicaid, with zero strings attached and zero that could ever be attached by the feds...this will mean that we in MI could ensure we can buy insurance across state lines, that we can put in place more reasonable tort reforms to keep costs down, that we can give vouchers for medicaid/medicare - and give more choices...that we can have as much freedom in this area as we, the citizens of MI, desire.
    And yeah, I've been down this road with others who haven't looked into it enough and who think a Healthcare Compact is big gov't.  Of course its not - its just the opposite.  Its taking back a principle of the 10th amendment.  Healthcare is not an enumerated power of the feds...so it belongs to the states.

    And from naysayers, they never say what their solution is -- just some majical hope that Congress and the Prez will have a dream and wake up channeling the Founding Fathers.  Short of that, we'll hear nothing.

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