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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Sorry, bud... (none / 0) (#5)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Aug 02, 2011 at 08:12:33 PM EST
    ...but it's just another Lefty foundation camel nose under the tent ploy on top of being an expanse of gummint.

    The office is the result of a partnership between the state and the Council of Michigan Foundations, a nonprofit association that works to strengthen, promote and increase philanthropy in Michigan and builds on the successful partnership of the Office of Foundation Liaison to the governor already in place. Initial financial support is provided by DENSO and the W.K Kellogg, C.S. Mott and The Kresge foundations with other foundations anticipated to join in providing financial support in 2012. In his State of the State address, Snyder announced that he would seek such a partnership that allows for the development of the Office of Urban and Metropolitan Initiatives.

    "The cooperation and support of the Council of Michigan Foundations and its members make this initiative possible," Snyder said. "Michigan's foundation community shares my vision for strengthening our urban areas. This is an excellent example of the public and nonprofit sectors working together to benefit our state. Council of Michigan Foundations President Rob Collier and these foundations helping us launch this office deserve our appreciation."

    The office will work closely with the Economic Development Executive Group established by Snyder. The group, headed by Michigan Economic Development Corp. President and CEO Mike Finney, includes agencies such as the MEDC, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority.

    An advisory board will be established to facilitate the office's work.

    While at Wayne State, Hollins advised university officials on key legislative, policy and community issues. In 2006, he was among the lead staff in the creation of Michigan's University Research Corridor.

    Prior to joining Wayne State in 2004, Hollins was the Michigan government affairs representative for the American Association of Retired Persons. He also served as a fiscal analyst for the Michigan House of Representatives.

    Yannow, if it isn't sleazy union schmucks running amok in gummint, it's gottdamned Socialist philanthropy organizations.

    Whomever it ultimately is paying the freight on this taxpayer subsidized campus interloper parlaying a title for himself... we've got a fuggin' problem.


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