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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Holy crap! Why can't Gary be our Governor? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Aug 18, 2011 at 01:40:41 PM EST
    I'll tell y'all what, if Mr. Glenn doesn't receive Mr. Schostak's support that's equal to if not greater than the Party's already chosen TARP lackey turned DC Lobbyist, it'll be gottdamned criminal.  L. Brooks, STFU with the RINO promoting already.  Jesus, he even sounds like a Willy Milquetoast anything elected to Office as long as it has an R dangling off its last name talking head establishment clowns.

    Drill, baby drill?  Fat John and the Repulicrat legislature say no.  Yessiree, just like president Odowngrade's Misery Tour bus, our oil and gas is a Canadian import.  Frilliant!

    Right to Work?  The Ann Arbor Nerd says it's "Too Divisive" and the Republican legislators left twisting in the wind sit around with their thumbs up their ass while being recalled by goonion Democrats anyway and they never faced losing any taxpayer coin.  Speaker Bolger, Majority Leader Richardville, time to nut up to your Executive Branch's weenie positions affecting all of our life's.

    Heck, even the radical fairy dust sprinklers get put in their less than 1% proper perspective by Gary Glenn.  Fuggin' awesome!!!

    Mr. Glenn, you just earned your first $100 bill from me today.

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