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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    OK, riddle me this (none / 0) (#11)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Jun 08, 2011 at 01:05:45 PM EST
    Please bare this out, as it's just conversation and I really am trying to get onboard with ya.

    We HAVE people who will do the right thing.

    OK, so, where are they?  Are these the cats?

    And your perception of whether they should have agreed to the Snyder tax plan is not worthy of a litmus condition.  Tax law is not litmus.  Rights, Life, Liberty, pursuits..  THOSE are worthy litmus issues IMO.

    Is not this tax law everything about Rights, Life and Pursuits?  I know that keeping the Granholm/Dillon Income Tax Rate and fuggin with my Homestead Credit while maintaining Granholm sized spending is a litmus worthy to me and my bank account.

    Many folks who have NOT been a part of government now are.  Get on their case, call them support them in the right positions they take, but don't give the enemies of liberty (Dems in Michigan) any leverage over those non hardened new-to-office reps.  A recall effort that appears to be working will tank them in the wrong direction, because it will be the success of the left they see, not the pissed off conservatives who are steamed about a decision or two.

    So, is it possible to suggest that those elected in a 2010 national rebuke of Red that swept out commie Democratic control at ever level of power (Gov, House, Senate, SoS, SCOMI) is either that blind, or spineless, or, even more unbelievable, that stupid to not get the message of recalling a RINO governor happened at the hands and only at the hands of those that placed them into office in the first place?  The Dems couldn't elect Virg, so what's changed?

    I find that hard to believe.  If Lansing MI-GOP had came out the gate running like Wisconsin or Ohio, I highly doubt this discussion would be happening right now.  We'd all be proud of our MI-GOP majority in every position of power in Lansing and sitting Fat City in the Rust Belt.

    Enlighten me... please.  'Cause God hates a coward and backing down has always been a cheap suit that I've never worn.

    The wisdom of being saddled with Democrat-light?  Where?


    If they aren't doing the right thing now... (none / 0) (#12)
    by KG One on Wed Jun 08, 2011 at 01:10:56 PM EST
    ...then when can we expect them to?

    Look, these are not complex issues. Not by a long-shot.

    Gov. Snyder: "I want an income tax hike on Michigan Taxpayers."

    Legislature: "No."

    Gov. Snyder: "I want a pension tax hike."

    Legislature: "Hell no!"

    Gov. Snyder: "I want a continuation of a Detroit income tax on non-residents. You know, the one where people are not allowed a vote (or even a say) on where or how that that money is spent."

    Legislature: "What part of no do you not understand."

    And I haven't even mentioned the bridge, yet.

    Is an engraved invitation required before we can see an actual change in philosophy? Or shall I just resign myself that democrat-lite is the best things will get?

    OABTW, elected officials aren't exactly bending over backwards enthusiastic about people from outside of their district calling to offer their input on an issue.

    For some strange reason "Well, as a courtesy, we will forward your comments to your own elected official," is a pat response from the gatekeepers.


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